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CurrentID: - PDF: File:Quizbankqb_AstroVenus.pdf

See special:permalink/1863497 and/or special:permalink/1773495 for a wikitext versions of this quiz.

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Required images: [[file:Wikiversity-logo-en.svg|45px]]

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\author{The LaTex code that creates this quiz is released to the Public Domain\\
Attribution for each question is documented in the Appendix}
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\question When imaged in visible light Venus appears like \_\_\_\_\_\_ rather than \_\_\_\_\_\_.\ifkey\endnote{ CC-BY-SA: {\url{}}}\fi
\choice an asteroid ... a terrestrial planet
\CorrectChoice a gas dwarf ... a rocky planet
\choice Mars ... Venus
\choice Venus ... Mars

\question The clouds on Venus are made of\ifkey\endnote{ CC-BY-SA: {\url{}}}\fi
\choice water
\choice steam
\choice carbon dioxide
\choice nitrogen
\CorrectChoice sulfuric acid

\question The geology of Venus is predominantly\ifkey\endnote{ CC-BY-SA: {\url{}}}\fi
\CorrectChoice Basalt
\choice Andesite
\choice Picrite

\question Basalt is what type of rock?\ifkey\endnote{ CC-BY-SA: {\url{}}}\fi
\CorrectChoice Igneous
\choice Sedimentary
\choice Metamorphic

\question The rocks on Venus are mostly\ifkey\endnote{ CC-BY-SA: {\url{}}}\fi
\CorrectChoice from volcanoes
\choice from the seabed of a now non-existent ocean
\choice associated with plate tectonics

\question The rocky surface of the planet Venus can be detected when Venus is observed using infrared astronomy.\ifkey\endnote{ CC-BY-SA: {\url{}}}\fi
\choice TRUE
\CorrectChoice FALSE

\question When Venus is viewed in the ultraviolet, its color appears brownish.\ifkey\endnote{ CC-BY-SA: {\url{}}}\fi
\choice TRUE
\CorrectChoice FALSE

\question Moldavite is a mineral that may be associated with what radiation astronomy phenomenon?\ifkey\endnote{ CC-BY-SA: {\url{}}}\fi
\choice lightening strikes
\CorrectChoice meteorite impacts and fireballs
\choice evidence that Venus was once a comet
\choice predicting when currently dormant volcanoes will erupt

\question According to Wikipedia, a "mineral" is a naturally occurring solid that\ifkey\endnote{ CC-BY-SA: {\url{}}}\fi
\choice is heterogeneous
\choice has useful value
\CorrectChoice is by a chemical formula
\choice contains carbon
\choice does not contain carbon

\question Which types of radiation astronomy directly observe the rocky-object surface of Venus?\ifkey\endnote{ CC-BY-SA: {\url{}}}\fi
\choice X-ray astronomy
\choice ultraviolet astronomy
\choice visual astronomy
\choice infrared astronomy
\CorrectChoice radio astronomy

\question One reason that Venus's atmosphere has more carbon dioxide than Earth's is that\ifkey\endnote{ CC-BY-SA: {\url{}}}\fi
\choice the mass of Venus is slightly higher
\CorrectChoice Venus was too hot for oceans that could absorb the carbon dioxide
\choice Venus is exposed to a stronger solar wind strips away the other gasses
\choice Venus has a lower magnetic field that disassociates carbon dioxide

\question The surface temperature of Venus is about\ifkey\endnote{ CC-BY-SA: {\url{}}}\fi
\CorrectChoice 850 Fahrenheit (730 Kelvin or 230 Celsius)
\choice 450 Fahrenheit (500 Kelvin or 66 Celsius)
\choice 150 Fahrenheit (340 Kelvin or 66 Celsius)

\question The Venetian atmosphere consists of mostly carbon dioxide and\ifkey\endnote{ CC-BY-SA: {\url{}}}\fi
\choice oxygen
\choice helium
\choice hydrogen
\CorrectChoice nitrogen
\choice sulfuric acid


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