Programming Fundamentals/Introduction/Assembly
edit;This program displays "Hello world!"
global _start
_start: section .text
display: mov eax, sys_write ;eax = sys_write
mov ebx, stdout ;ebx = stdout
mov ecx, message ;ecx = message address
mov edx, length ;edx = message length
int sys_call ;call system
exit: mov eax, sys_exit ;eax = sys_exit
mov ebx, 0 ;ebx = return code (0)
int sys_call ;call system
section .data
sys_exit equ 1
sys_write equ 4
sys_call equ 0x80
stdout equ 1
linefeed equ 0x0a
message db 'Hello world!', linefeed
length equ $ - message
edit;This program displays 'Hello world!"
global _start
_start: section .text
display: mov rax, sys_write ;rax = sys_write
mov rdi, stdout ;rdi = stdout
mov rsi, message ;rsi = message address
mov rdx, length ;rdx = message length
syscall ;call system
exit: mov rax, sys_exit ;rax = sys_exit
mov rdi, 0 ;rdi = return code (0)
syscall ;call system
section .data
sys_write equ 1
sys_exit equ 60
stdout equ 1
linefeed equ 0x10
message db "Hello world!", linefeed
length equ $ - message
Try It
editCopy and paste the code above into one of the following free online development environments or use your own Assembly compiler / interpreter / IDE.