Portal talk:Social entrepreneurship/networking/activities/Advisory Group Meeting 20080521

The discussion raised many issues around the nature of "the game". For now, use this page to comment on the meeting in general and to develop the concept further.

Consolidating the Game Metaphor


The game concept needs to be fleshed out.

Tools for Shared Contextual Understanding


One of the suggestions was that the whole learning process (course, module), including the community interaction could be seen as part of the "game of life" we all play all the time. The difference is that we have Web 2.0 and other tools to help us share knowledge, make decisions and assess performance, etc. - and most importantly, make learning a fun social collaborative game.

The list below comprises links to existing facilities/tools which support the collaborative activities of students of social entrepreneurship. The tools help the learners make sense of the contexts they find themselves in. Students also learn to use available Internet facilities for professional and social life in the 21st century. Life is a collaborative game.

  • Tools for Shared Contextual Understanding
    • Later consolidate and workshop around how such facilities could be used and how student work can be linked to and peer-assessed.
    • Most importantly, increase the fun factor and nurture the "life generating" forces in this system

Ethical Underpinnings


Recall the process which has underpinned many of our workshops and interactions to date: Appreciative Inquiry.

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