User:Jason M. C., Han/Part of Comments - 'for students' Examination Performance, Piano tutor's teaching self-reflexivity and possible some requirements of Pedalling Sound-effects with Artist Fashion of Post-impressionism'

Educational Observation:


Currently, as mentioned in user Jason M. C., Han's main page (Mine), the small Chinese girl student nick-named 'Meng' (In my mind, the impression of her in classrooms is as Debussy's beloved daughter 'Chou chou') has already taken Sir Debussy's melody <Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum> (Jason's self-translation of English: Doctorial Training 'to higher' ) 'in Children's Corner' with three other parts to one of China's Piano National Examination. In this so sincere and strict Examination & Competition, overall, she got a score as 'The Pass' of the Grade 'Top 10th Degree' which was a really happy thing being worth to be self-celebrated..., I thought. While, some problems were still emerging out in terms of her piano-performance ways, of which partly caused by her short-time daily exercises in regular (Honestly, she was still a full-time normally schooling students with very few times to make enough & fulfilled self-exercises in each week, but only from interests of piano in her spare time and depending on my courses... ), and partly, I thought, caused by the differences in understanding of the function of Sir Debussy's this piece in his life background and its representative Artist-fashion in Impressionism of this Post-Era. Indeed, totally say, in my mind, it's a grand evolution of musical sound-effects by hands' and feet's nature from physics to universal expressions. But, in a very short and small view, it takes those problems, only focused onto one key point, into the treatment of piano-pedalling ways through the coordination with two hands' fast expressions.

Analysis, Possibilities and Further notices:


In very brief: 1. The historical position of this suite, in Sir Debussy's life background and Children's Corner, made its imagery wasn't only a small piece of Etudes for piano fingering exercises, but with rich impressions from Sir Debussy's Participant-observations of his beloved daughter -Chou Chou's life and games-playing in Children's Corner and his reasoning imaginations of universal landscapes. (Wikiversity analysing & reasoning:,_Han#*_Children_are_doctors_for_adults,_as_the_reason_that_they_can_create_some_most_advanced_techniques_than_your_imaginations,_but_with_the_purpose_only_for_happily_playing_their_games._I_guess:_Chou_Chou_must_know_it,_and_father_Debussy_also._Then,_heaven_is_near:) In other words, Doctorial Training in Children's Corner has taken a great place in Sir Debussy's life and memory in the remembrance of his daughter, her playing techniques, games, toys and pets... which cannot only be used an 'etude' similar with Czerny's many to describe... but with an artist fashion of impressionism reflected from many musical imageries inside (as a summery of his impressions about his beloved Chou Chou) to research... This key point has its proof that other works of Children's Corner all have their own impressionisms for Chou Chou's joyful games in universally natural powers.(Wikipedia introduction: ) Therefore, we shouldn't use normal Etudes techniques to play this suite which made every note clear and 'on average'... Maybe, Sir Debussy, in this melody, really would like to make steps to go to Parnassus in Greek mythology depending on both brilliant techniques and his artist dream. (Wikipedia introduction: 2. If the first point can be confirmed - from many Chou Chou's life impressions and Sir Debussy's artist dreams of universal landscapes, it was a real musical impressionism rather than Etude. What was the function of Piano-pedalling in this work? I think we should get back to basic techniques & requirements of Impressionism (painting) to understand Pedalling's function and application (Wikipedia introduction: It wasn't for making every note clearer out (including some unnecessary ones), but for fuzzing details of its 'mixing complementary colours' backgrounds in time, while oppositely reflecting out 'Short, thick strokes of paint quickly capturing the essence of the subject' which is made out by threading those Impressionism Pearls to melodic lines, being naturally pushed upon impressionism background and self-wandering brightly and twinkling. In doing so, some natural powers and lights were borrowed in to make some general tendencies wandering up and down (pushed by natural powers) heard harmonic in paragraphs. 3. In a very brief thinking, piano-pedalling application was for creating several energy fields in general (sometimes, fields are with reverberations), to associate impressionism pearls' threaded, wandering, twinkling and naturally tiding up and down through hands' forces, which was formed as lines wandering upon background. This point needs much time and energy to research by teacher and student's mutual endeavors sentence by sentence. Mainly, some pieces of post-pedalling, following notes' real sound effects of reverberation being put later a little bit and being associated by some pieces of 'Trill. pedalling' and the real space's echoing in the middle, which can build up some natural energy fields mentioned and express some changes while energy-fields were transiting and moving like...Then, those impressionism pearls can be impressionist produced out in each centers of thinking and threaded out upon the advanced hands-techniques and impressionism background. From educational views, it needs much time and energy in daily practices - to reason, to try out, experiment , but harder to appear in a stressful environment. You need to bring a very strong well-being quality to carry out from your habits-cultivation and unconsciousness trained naturally. 4. France Romantics have been applied in its rhythms-dealing which was tightening or releasing the peace, which wasn't quite unified sometimes, but reasonably according to the changing of natural tendencies, especially the middle part slower-penetrating of heaven-lights through clouds. Meanwhile, more man-made modifications after recording aren't quite necessary beyond hands' running and feet's associations. 5. After this analysis, I should express my understandings to examination environment and its judgement. The aim of examination was to test basic piano-techniques of students' hands and the well-being qualities to face the pressure of competitions. Like Meng in some children and young teenagers, they were quite great trained by using spare time beside full-time schooling really from interests of music, but in small ages, hard feelings under the examination pressure and with very few experiences in life trip which would limit their performances and let them make some mistakes without purposes when making fast hands-running. This fact didn't quite enable them to totally express their curiosities, some colours, artist dreams, reasonable imaginations from tutor's classrooms but into a short-time examination. Let us give more encouragements and confidences to their examination-performances, but some problems still need to be careful analysed out for the further sustainability. 6. Doctorial Training in Children's Corner is really a hard piece across the educational possibility and the educational reality. Yes, firstly, slow speed for making hands stronger and in classically manners would modify the training situation. At least, other parts in this examination were accepted by the Educational System easily and a Pass was gotten reflected out our endeavors week after week, which was a good result for this young girl. Hopefully, she can enjoy this process and make further development from now on. Best wishes Jason M. C., Han (discusscontribs) 16:10, 17 April 2018 (UTC)

Be very short, currently, we can know: during that period, 'Piano-kid' - little girl Meng did really get some senses of 'Impressionist hands-touching techniques' and its associative 'pedalling ways', from her own nature (Impressionism & Debussy, currently, were confirmed and noticed:, teacher's enlightenments in her small-made educational journal in 'Children's corner', her piano-trips, her own creativity and her empirical observations of natural phenomena, which might be against some traditionally mechanized hands-training ways, recognized as 'Basic Exercise Abilities' of Classic. When this section's examination-feedback got down, you knew, a 'fall' towards it. Then, she went to higher school with some heavy learning-burdens. Things might already get changed -- I didn't see her for a long period, thereby I'm not sure...Sorry, Prayer...! Thanks goodness! Other sections used to be in 'Pass Scores' and Meng can get through it, as time's passing-by...

Now, We knew, it was globally confirmed that 'Doctorial' - <Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum> in <Children's Corner> was a 'Colourful & Dramatical Impressionism Imagery-suite' (Wikipedia introduction:, rather than an etude (or exercise). It was with some special keyboard-touching techniques and natural colours. Thinking! Thanks! For Debussy's only little lovely girl - Chou Chou and in her Children's Corner, why should Debussy just write down an exercise without the consideration of kids' imagination and creativity? Some people, Why? Therefore, It should be the curious impression of Chou Chou's happy Playing-Universe, from nature - 'Piano-kid's always Nature'. Jason M. C., Han (discusscontribs) 08:22, 1 February 2019 (UTC)