User:Jason M. C., Han/Green Sleeves (Impressionist Visualization)

Piano Improvisations:


1st Chorus - main melody: + 2nd Chorus - Improvising:

Series of 'Green Sleeves Impressionism' (Jason's Improvisation) - 2nd Chorus in self Improvisation: Hi, friends, did you have one type of complex that somethings you felt hard to forget but which had been growing from the depth of your heart? Oh, they are some impressions and meaningful imageries building your memories for some places, some emotional streams and some personal events.Now, taking an online course of Goldsmiths on Future Learn Platform (though for Jazz & Blues) taught me an ability, or to say, helped me discover an ability called improvisation - to tell somethings deeply existing in my heart through music language, which I may not clearly say before in my reality. Why did I say 'discover...'? Indeed, when standing on the cross of a street and using phone-camera to pick up some beauties I used to think were in the past, I almost did some in unconsciousness, but rather than in music, they were in colours and lines... This time, by submitting two pieces of Old 'Green Sleeves' played by myself - one was a variation (creation) as the 2nd Chorus developed through a usage of England Minor and the other was a full edition with an original chorus, it and a Wheeling fingering chorus I had researched before, I found they - tunes and imageries were all 'in my heart and never gone' - beatifully staying there quietly, and forming my impression of UK - where I had been and what my basic understandings of 'Green Sleeves' were... No correct or wrong, now, I felt happy to store them in my heart... and in a 'room' full of memories I never disappeared. Now release and share some with you - my friends... please forgive my fragmental memories... but, let us breathe some new air in those colourful scenes... as if we were always together overcoming the loneliness in each heart, under the lights of 'Green Sleeves' .

+ 3rd Chorus - Technique Improvising (Gu Zheng technique's in-setting)

Green Sleeves (The piano skills abstracted from Chinese Guzheng)

= Total choruses - A Whole View:

Series of 'Green Sleeves Impressionism' (Jason's Improvisation) - Full edition with the original one, a middle improvisation and a final pizzicato-bowing one: Hi, friends, did you have one type of complex that somethings you felt hard to forget but which had been growing from the depth of your heart? Oh, they are some impressions and meaningful imageries building your memories for some places, some emotional streams and some personal events. Now, taking an online course of Goldsmiths on Future Learn Platform (though for Jazz & Blues) taught me an ability, or to say, helped me discover an ability called improvisation - to tell somethings deeply existing in my heart through music language, which I may not clearly say before in my reality. Why did I say 'discover...'? Indeed, when standing on the cross of a street and using phone-camera to pick up some beauties I used to think were in the past, I almost did some in unconsciousness, but rather than in music, they were in colours and lines... This time, by submitting two pieces of Old 'Green Sleeves' played by myself - one was a variation (creation) as the 2nd Chorus developed through a usage of England Minor and the other was a full edition with an original chorus, it and a Wheeling fingering chorus I had researched before, I found they - tunes and imageries were all 'in my heart and never gone' - beautifully staying there quietly, and forming my impression of UK - where I had been and what my basic understandings of 'Green Sleeves' were... No correct or wrong, now, I felt happy to store them in my heart... and in a 'room' full of memories I never disappeared. Now release and share some with you - my friends... please forgive my fragmental memories... but, let us breathe some new air in those colourful scenes... as if we were always together overcoming the loneliness in each heart, under the lights of 'Green Sleeves' .

Choruses Analysis and Training Ways as guides for heart-peace


Green Sleeves has a musical function (from psychology) for listeners' peacefulness. Now, please take several minutes For a moment, close your eyes, stay calm, and make some self-reasonings to somewhere deeply in your heart. Then, an Old life fashion will be visualized out... (Here, we can develop it in this Improvisation Chorus.)

Visualizations (English Impressionism) in memories:


Blue Flowers - as gentleman's lover - facing the self-reflexivity from Lake-mirror

'Blue Flowers of England Spirituality' in memories and for gentlemen

A butterfly was passing by through those gentleman's lovers - Blues flowers , through its short Autumn life:

Butterfly Spirit (English Impressionism - Jason's Improvisation) JMC Han
Series of 'Green Sleeves Impressionism' (Jason's Improvisation) - Newcastle
Series of 'Green Sleeves Impressionism' (Jason's Improvisation) - Lakes Zone in UK
Series of 'Green Sleeves Impressionism' (Jason's Improvisation) - Three alternative roads in Windsor Castle and in life
Series of 'Green Sleeves Impressionism' (Jason's Improvisation) - Beautiful sunshine and smiles in London
Series of 'Green Sleeves Impressionism' (Jason's Improvisation) - Cambridge River
Series of 'Green Sleeves Impressionism' (Jason's Improvisation) - Run, dog! On the beach of Most South

'The beautiful views of Scotti-highlands' in a Far-land Home (Academic thoughts, musicality, literature-writing and case-realization)

Series of 'Green Sleeves Impressionism' (Jason's Improvisation) - Travel in Scotland
The beautiful views of Scotti-highlands (English Impressionism) Composer: John Thompson Performer: Jason Han 12th in Scotti-highlands series
François Pascal Simon Gérard 001 - Burns' similar poet-musicality, but in painting, with my musical version of Scotti-highlands series, as respects
Happy playground world in Bear's footprint

Once upon a time, I, each time with a parent or independently, used to have coach-visited Loch Lomond (and Luss) [1], or to Glasgow [2], and beside the waters-networks of Dee river [3] throughout which to Aberdeen [4], or in the area alongside Tay river's system [5], or to Edinburgh Leith[6] for many times. Sorry, to be very honest, on the coach while travelling and listening to drivers' introductions, I can only get some general impressions of where I have been, and appreciate the fast-running landscapes outside my windows, rather than the detailed information. Therefore, I prefer to choose another way of expression:

We have been together, on the coaches, to visit the inky-greens-fulfilled and vertical-layers-coloured mountains on Scotti-highlands. While the whistles of Dee river or Tay river's flooding waves were safely passing by your window, on the other side, groups of lambs and yaks are lazily tasting the soft & fresh stars-twinkling edges of the yellow-breezing grass.

Weathers were always varying their emotions, like kid's faces, which cannot be predicted. After crossing this hill standing in the front, further climbing over the next rocky platform, suddenly, Weather father Jove [7] was blowing large snowflakes and air currents all around. At a glance of time, the world, itself, was changed to be a castle full of crystal cloths, colourful glassed reflecting-lights[8] and silver 'make-ups'. What the most beautiful thing was a shoot of sunlight appearing from the crack of cloudy blocks in the grey sky, which can be compared with the fixed eye-pillar of Scotti heroes, poetries or saints, watching everything on the grand Scotti-highlands. Time almost terminated there besides, and 'coloured glass-castles' were in an unknown sequence contributing their sparkling flames from traditions.

I and my father were in the warm world behind the coach window, with the convenience and appreciations like in home, counting out the numbers of lambs & yaks groups, the boundaries of meadows, the amounts of valleys, houses in villages and peaks, one by one. We were always driving from a place, such as Glasgow, alongside the river, harrying up to another, such as Aberdeen... The rough and large 'colour bricks', the fast flying-by melodic far-lines of mountain-backs and the screens of impressionism paintings, almost carrying key personalities of Scots, have flashback-recorded all fragments and dug into the soil of your heart-depth. And, your heart would expect to run as a mountain hare[9] to a higher speed, then transformed to be the wandering golden eagle[10] (Indeed, I thought hawk is much wilder [11]), opening your wings and springing up, or cutting aside, or rolling opposite the strong wind and fighting against the blowing snow-mouth...

Could you imagine to fly upon the next Scotti-highland? Though the departure time is usually longer than the consideration, how many times, in the dream, we were on the coach lifted up by Giant's hands who is Jack's peer [12]. Giant diver, please ambitiously take us to the next wild higher-up Scotti-highland for an adventure of unknown heart-belonging 2019! Yours always Jason M. C., Han (discusscontribs) 06:35, 29 December 2018 (UTC)

A good video-realization (demonstration) of its academic thoughts, travelling fields-investigation, performing musicality, and literature-writing(above), after a crossing-year 2019-2020 library concert

Jason M. C., Han (discusscontribs) 14:42, 7 January 2020 (UTC)

Seasons-switching - Little bear's Home-waiting for mother's cake-cooking

Kiki's delivery service Seasons-Switching Player JMC Han.ogg
Bear mother and little bear's forest cake-cooking
Gateshead Millennium Bridge's waiting
White flower's teardrops
Brothers, if... future?