User:Jason M. C., Han/Aesthetics from Vienna School (Musicality)



It's a very hard title of Educational Portal - 'Aesthetics from Vienna School for Musicality-cultivation (especially in piano)' to write down, by the reason that Musicality is hard to grasped in hands and Vienna School's Aesthetics (VSA) is invisibly merging into some 'Graceful Manners', 'Classics Customs' and 'Skilled Behaviours' that piano kids (or vocal leaners, or other instrumental learners) from childhood have been producing the daily exercises in their life-long trips. Even so, they still feel hard to say they can totally achieve, which, as some higher visions (Perfectionism), usually self-reflects out their imaginational & spiritual dreams. Thanks goodness, today, by many conditions of nature, sciences, architures, crossing-languages communication, interviews of mentors and learners, travelling methods, and visualizations... we can push out some visions for music, which could make daily musical & instrumental trainings not so boring (at last, some answers of why, from the earlier years of life and for many years, we need to train some basic points), but still not enough for more kids (willing) and their potential creativities... Therefore, through this portal, I am hoping to share some my operational ideas and travelling-images for the clearance, identification and graspingness of this view (study) of beauties in life... If only some small points can wake people to pay their attentions to this field, or even make some cross-cultural communications, it will be my great pleasure... Visualization, photography, heart-road interpretation & description and melodic & notational reading would be some main approaches I prefer to apply. All and all began from a ' Blue Danube' Movement (Musical journey) I was taking, but many stories and memories were transcendentally before its time, to much farther, even more prior...

On That Day, Mozart's birth-world(from water), with many 'Hidden Complexes and Secrecies' embraced by joyful lights and colours (Warm), was transparently under a 'Water's Blue' (Cool)- like... like a Sea Palace (Below)

3 light Cs-Cs (Corners and Channels) were unified as a big Neo-classics Cross under the Blue water inside Salzburg Cathedral - Mozart's Baptism
Coda of Salzburg Cathedral - Holly place's light-bar was hospitably embraced by Neo-classics colours and lights

Analysis and description of Heart-road: From nature, I like the 'peaceful sense' a church or cathedral sends directly to my heart. To be honest, for praying and forgiveness, I have been to many cathedrals and got different models of what tranditional definition it should be. However, when getting to Salzburg's entrance (the one Mozart was baptized) and immediately facing its whole vision coming down to my eyes , I was still shoked very much in the first impression. Without even a word, tears were in two lines hung upon my cheeks...Past memories of piano-classics training and 'dreams of beauties' were flooding by my mind, and left several minutes to have me back. What have I seen?

1. Baroque Domes, as a biggest 3-Ds hand-shape(In piano manners, from the much earlier time of a baby, we highlight the 3-Domes' situation of hands and some playing good-manners to them generation by generation, but no one told us why.Now, we can touch some…), held up the whole catheral's framework for the stability as time's length...In symbolized meaning, the basic and graceful manners weren't forgotten, long to classics, Modernism, and further, and future...

2. Clearance, Brighteness, Transparency, Pureness, like the time-terminated music, -Vienna school's (Classics) all characteristics were well-arranged and integrated upon its 'framework', which reflected from many details, such as the setting of different Crystal droplights, wall-ornamentations, and warm (Italian or rococo sweet) dome-paintings...So fluent melodic lines in the harmonic arpiggeo-running(or scale), It's like baby-Mozart's young soul which was still kept there, watching outside and curious world from the under-side of holly water(Baptism), times after times...

3. Salzburg Musuems and Universities' modernist technologies - such as floor-lamps, wall-lamps, projections and light-bars - were welcomed and 'just-right' applied in their suitable corners, which associated the growth of imagination(music) and showed an open attitude to the new-born things and the post-world...Three main colours - Warm red-series, Ice blue-series and Tender spring-series made it like a secret 'under water' palace for a real prince. Fantistically and ambitiously, it's like in some farry tales (operas) and Mozart's Legend-complexes (behind music) what somethings are expressive...

After getting this aesthetic sense before a memories-flood, I think: no matter how, in Mozart's real life, things were like in terms of himself and the relationship with Salzburg Cathedral...; after and now, Mozart fullfilled himself in music, and Salzburg fullfilled its responding to him... Everything almost returned to the moment baby-Mozart was baptised and watching the world under the holly water...with his eyes full of curiosity. If right so... we can warmly smile... and say ' thanksgiving'. Then, go to prayer and travel with a musicality...

On That Day, Mozart's Classics said: Music, as water of Flowing Ice-spring, as chorus singing of Nightingale Boys, as materials of Old Castle, or as lights of twinkling stars... are represented by mankind - Heavenly Messenger to earth and the spiritual creature, through their dedicated coordination of Nature Elements (also a part).

Nightingale Boy's Singing - papageno (Right see, it's right the one in The Magic Flute)

Analysis and Description: 1. The first reaction coming across this statue when taking around a street's corner was - 'in The Magic Flute and perhaps Papageno', because I had read some articles that his appearance is a bird-like boy in 'Fairy Tales Forest' waiting for his peer - a far-distant-lost prince. Indeed, on that day, in Salzburg, I have seen many stage-images and visions of Elf-like creatures in 'Fairy Tales Forest or Sea'. I thought it would be one Mozart Complex.

2. With baton and bells-shelf (maybe an instrument) in hand, his earnest eyes told us: he is conducting (designing) music, as a natural element - such as the throughout wind, with the supports of birds' exercises-singing surrounding his feet. Or to say, his incarnation was from birds' singing or living only in birds' singing.

3. Plumage-covering, or Feather-born-clothing on the body, confirmed our guess that he was a bird-incarnated boy representing musical or vocal power of nature.

4. Believed or not, several days before that day, in Czech's hotel, I had heard a nightingale's singing outside my room all the night. At that moment, two characters merged into one in my mind-processing.

5. Some philosophical points of Classics aesthetics from status - Nightingale Boy's Singing (Papageno) : (1) Vocal, as the natural voice of mankind, usually merged into musicality, as the breath and singing characteristic as treasure; (2) It's from nature, but needs delicate designs, repeated exercises and laborious rehearsals(from Nightingale boy's earnest eyes, faces and behaves for surrounding natural birds); (3) Finally, the most beautiful coda is: the delicately-designed nature - classical soul should give itself back to its nature, or to say, sweet into the natural wind (for beauties' long existing; or to see, Nightingale-boy was still in & for 'wild' birds)

6. In addition: Copper cyan telling its long history made me think it's nightingale... And future, I preferred the contribution of green tree behind which, by accident, increased its level of appreciation. Thanks all!

Mozart Portrait Statue standing In Mozart Square - the angelic one and spiritual messenger from Green Hill and Blue Sky (Hand-made and Original one)

Green and blue,      you are walking from!
Music and treasure,  you are bringing down!
Messenger and angel, we are calling you!
Peace and joy,       we are sharing you!
                    - To the one Mozart

Jason M. C., Han (discusscontribs) 15:46, 24 June 2019 (UTC) (Sorry, I am not a great poem-writer)

On that day, Vienna School of Aesthetics is in the 'Farland' full of colourful dreams and musicians' perfections that every one (including Mozart and Beethoven) were dreaming after or lost in, but no one really got...


There were many golden families who had been carving music - each note and bar - out some magically rich-colours, generations after generations... like Strauss'

Strauss Family's Little Goldman

Their emperor families evenly enjoyed to make their 'Beauties-Spring-Garden' (Schonbrunn Palace) with many musicality-ornamentations very much , and preferred to listen to 6-years-old Mozart's (Piano-kid's) :

Vienna Musical trip: Mozart's Farland Dream - Schonbrunn Palace

Their fairy-princess, from nature, preferred to bless people their happiness through Rose in 'Beauties-Spring-Garden':

Vienna Musical Trip - Sissi Princess' Rose Garden

There was also an 'Always Blue River', running from spring to autumn, from mountains to seas, from storming to peace, from heart-sweet to life-gets, and from Europa-Dream to Commons' Waltz,... with its name - Danube:

Blue Danube watched in Hungary