Poetry/Practice/Who are you?

This learning project aims to explore more the answers and effects to the question "Who are you ?"

The Question of Identity

Who are you?

→ What are the different ways in which one can answer the question "who am I"? How can one answer this question other than with a name? Remember when attempting to answer that a personal description of qualities answers more the question "what am I". To answer the question is it unavoidable to involve other questions; is this question valid; is the answer a record of deeds or personality-- what purpose does identity serve? What can we gain from answering this question; if better understanding is possible, how are this understanding useful?

I would like to know... who are you? 00:52, 23 July 2008 (UTC) ...?

As you indicate there are many many ways (should I say infinite?) to answer "Who are you?" (even with untrue/not verifyable/not understandable information, ... not answering also provides info to you), so I interpret this "you" as a question to me and not to WV (more info about WV at Help:Contents):
I am someone taking the time to read what you wrote
I am someone who has a mother and father
I am someone writing here something what you then perhaps read
I am someone who has 2 arms
I am someone motivating you to contribute to the learning resource Who are you?
I am someone who breathes
I am someone annoying others and losing time with this text
I am someone who may continue later on here
I am someone who may not continue later on here
I am someone from Example country
These characteristics above I can share with one or more persons on this earth.
What I gain from answering this ? I believe - on short term - your question helped me to think more. About what ? me ? others? useful/unuseful things ? useful/unuseful for whom ? other things I don't know yet ? Sorry, if I didn't answer all your questions.
May I ask: Who you are and why you are interested in this question ?
You can answer this on your userpage if you like - after registering. ----Erkan Yilmaz uses the Wikiversity:Chat (try) 16:19, 25 July 2008 (UTC)
You may also be interested in these lecture notes on Social self - it offers a 'social' perspective on the self, i.e., that the self is at least partly a function of our social environments, groups, etc. i.e., a social identity. -- Jtneill - Talk - c 11:08, 3 August 2008 (UTC)

See also
