Physics/Essays/Fedosin/Theory of informatons

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The theory of informatons is a mathematically based theory of Antoine Acke [1], retired professor at the industrial engineering department of the "Katholieke Hogeschool Sint-Lieven" (now KU LEUVEN - Faculty of Industrial Engineering - Campus Ghent). It explains the influence that material objects in space exert on each other (the so-called "action-at-a-distance").

The theory of informatons concerns the gravitational and electromagnetic interactions and laws as described and understood in the context of Heaviside's gravitoelectromagnetism (GEM) and Maxwell's electromagnetism (EM). GEM and EM are classical field theories and GEM starts from the idea that the gravitational field and the electromagnetic field in vacuum are isomorphic structures, which implies that GEM is an extension of the Newtonian view of gravity because in the context of GEM one also takes into account the kinematics of the gravitating objects.

The theory of informatons develops the hypothesis that every material object manifests itself in space by emitting, at a rate proportional to its rest mass, mass- and energyless granular entities that rush away at the speed of light and that are carriers of "information" regarding the position, speed and - if this is the case - the electrical condition of their emitter. Because these entities transport nothing else than information, they are called “informatons”.

This hypothesis ("The postulate of the emission of informatons") implies that every material object is at the center of an expanding cloud of informatons, which regarding gravitational phenomena is identified as the gravitational field of that object and regarding electromagnetic phenomena - if the object is electrically charged - as its electromagnetic field. According to the theory of informatons, “information” is the substance of gravitational and electromagnetic fields.

The postulate of the emission of informatons leads to the insight that gravitational fields (electromagnetic fields) are dual structures that are created by time-dependent masses and/or mass flows (electric charges and/or electric currents) and that at each point in space are fully characterized by two time-dependent intertwined vectorial quantities: the field strength E and the induction B. The relations between these quantities and between these quantities and their sources (Maxwell-Heaviside equations ) appear to be the expressions of the kinematics of the informatons at the macroscopic level.

Furthermore, in the context of the theory of informatons, gravitational (electromagnetic) interactions are understood as the effect of the fact that a (charged) object in a gravitational field (an electromagnetic field) is subject to a tendency to accelerate so that it becomes “blind” for that field. And finally accelerated masses (charges) appear to be a source of gravitational (graviton) [electromagnetic (photon)] radiation.

See also





  • Antoine Acke, Gravitoelectromagnetism explained by the theory of informatons - Edition 2021, Hadronic Journal 43(3) - pp. 241-331. [2]
  • Antoine Acke, Electromagnetism explained by the theory of informatons - Version 2, Hadronic Journal 43(3) - pp. 333-362. [3]
  • Antoine Acke, Information as the substance of gravitational and electromagnetic fields. [4]
  • Antoine Acke, Gravitation explained by Gravitoelectromagnetism. (LAP-ISBN: 978-613-9-93065-4).
  1. Antoine Acke [1]