Ideas for Open Scientists


How can scientists make their work process more public? Here you can add and discuss ideas which may include both research and teaching!

See also Christian Spannagel's talk about open science in the web 2.0 (in German).

Translating scientific results


Open scientists can describe the results of their work in the web, i.e. in a personal weblog. They must try to write in a way which is understandable by non-scientists. Using a weblog would offer the possibility for all people to comment on the texts of the open scientists and to start a discussion between the open scientist and non-scientists.

Inviting people to participate


An open scientist can invite people to participate in the scientific process by asking for ideas and comments in the web, i.e. in a personal weblog.

Online discussions of talks and presentations


After presentations of research results, normally discussions take place. Open scientists could create a wiki page in advance where the discussion could be summarized during the discussion (or only headwords are stored, and the statements could be written out after the discussion). This would enable all participants to continue the discussion later on, even days or months after the talk. Examples:

Public reference lists


Open scientists can publish and share their lists of references in web 2.0 tools like CiteULike, bibsonomy, or connotea.

Publishing the philosophy of teaching


Open Scientists can make their philophy of teaching transparent by explaining their educational principles online. Example: Christian Spannagel's Philosophy of Teaching (German)

Online feedback on courses


Open Scientists can invite students to give feedback on their teaching on a website (wiki, for example). This would allow for discussing educational principles and possible improvements. Example: Discussion of Christian Spannagel's courses (German)