Motivation and emotion/Book/2024/Morbid curiosity

Morbid curiosity:
What is morbid curiosity, what causes it, and how does it influence behaviour?
(The intire layout needs to be fixed!!!)
Replace the link in the box above once the multimedia presentation has been published.


example of morbidly curious media

180-330 words

  • Case Study on morbid curiosity in college students (Harrison & Frederick, 2020)
  • Key concepts
  • importance of the topic
  • Overview of what will be covered in the chapter

  Suggestions for this section:

  • Engage the reader with a scenario, example, or case study, and an accompanying image
  • Explain the problem and why it is important
  • Outline how psychological science can help
  • Present focus questions

Focus questions:

  • What is morbid curiosity?
  • What causes morbid curiosity?
  • How does morbid curiosity influence behaviour?

Morbid curiosity



  • Breaking down the concept
  • What is curiosity?
  • What is considered morbid?
  • What is morbid curiosity?

Types of morbid curiosity

  • Based on the Scrivner's morbid curiosity scale
  • Minds of dangerous people
  • Paranormal danger
  • Violence
  • Body violation

(add links for every new vocabulary word and add feature box) (explain in more detail about specific studies)

Causes of morbid curiosity

  • Bio
  • Psycho
  • Social

Influence of morbid curiosity on behaviour

* Scrivner's study of morbid curiosity and behaviour
  • Morbidly curious people are rebellious, socially curious, and low in animal reminder disgust.


  • How does morbid curiosity present in media?
  • Why?
  • Types
  • How does media influence morbid curiosity?


  • 150 to 330 words
  • summarise everything
  • quiz to test knowledge

  Suggestions for this section:

  • What is the answer to the sub-title question based on psychological theory and research?
  • What are the answers to the focus questions?
  • What are the practical, take-home messages? (Even for the topic development, have a go at the likely take-home message)

See also



Edwards, E. (2020). Morbid curiosity, popular media, and thanatourism. Australian Journal of Parapsychology , 20(2), 113–138.

Harbison Ruedisili, Hanna Rose, "Investigating the Psychology of Morbid Curiosity: The Role of Needing to Know" (2023). Psychology Honors Projects. 54

Harrison, M. A., & Frederick, E. J. (2020). Interested in serial killers? Morbid curiosity in college students. Current Psychology, 41(6).

Oosterwijk, S. (2017). Choosing the negative: A behavioral demonstration of morbid curiosity. PLOS ONE, 12(7).

Scrivner , C. W. (2022). The Psychology of Morbid Curiosity (pp. 1–106) [PhD Dissertation].

Scrivner, C. (2021). The psychology of morbid curiosity: Development and initial validation of the morbid curiosity scale. Personality and Individual Differences, 183.
