Motivation and emotion/Book/2020/Fatigue and emotion

Fatigue and emotion:
What is the effect of fatigue on emotion and what can be done about it?



In day to day lives there are many people suffering fatigue,[grammar?] it is a emotionally draining condition which is more then[spelling?] just feeling tired. It can cause people to not be able to to do simple daily tasks. As you read on you will learn about fatigue, the kinds of fatigue and how it can effect[spelling?] the emotional state of a person. Through learning and understanding hopefully we are able to use this knowledge to better support fatigue sufferers.

Using psychological science we will delve into the correlation between fatigue and emotion. Fatigue has been viewed in a negative light,[grammar?] this chapter is to help build an understanding of fatigue and its effects on peoples[grammar?] day to day lives and how we can support and help them to lead a better life and remove the negative stigma. One important theory that assist this is Motivational Control theory, this assists in proving the potential ability to assist a persons[grammar?] psychological state by having a fundamental adaptive role in fatigue suffers to get the best out of life.

Focus questions:

  • Why does fatigue have a negative stipulation?
  • How does fatigue and emotion correlate?
  • Will building a depper[spelling?] understating help improve suffers fo[spelling?] fatigue?


Two fatigued men.

Fatigue, as stated by Robert Hockey, is "a Pervasive influence on human life" (2013) which many people can, or will, experience on a regular basis. The way fatigue can effect someone is to feel a mental reaction, of frustration and discomfort, as well as a bodily physical effect that can produce as headaches and muscle pains, and in all just a low feeling, that can produce as tiredness and lethargic. Fatigue can cause a great disruption in many aspects of life, the way we are able to do daily tasks, sometimes as simple as getting out of bed.

Chronic fatigue is an offset of fatigue, it is a condition that can have a major effect on peoples life. Dr Robbie Lopis for example suffered from chronic fatigue. Dr Lopis works as a general practitioner and due to having chronic fatigue when he gets sick he takes a much longer time than the average human to get better. Dr Lopis had to take six weeks off to get well, and even then is only able to work a reduced number of hours before having to take a break (Moss-Morris & Petrie, 2000).

Some symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are headaches, muscle pain, forgetfulness and poor concentration (Moss-Morris & Petrie, 2000). However these symptoms greatly depend on the individual, and their health, age and lifestyle play a major role in this. Chronic Fatigue can be so extreme that an individual is not able to fight back and keep doing what is needed, they end up having to just lay and wait until they are able to continue, this can cause both a mental and physical low (Moss-Morris & Petrie, 2000).

Do you remember?

What is not a symptom of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Muscle pain
Energetic feeling
Poor concentration



Jack Barbalet (2006) states that without emotion humans would not be able to choose life choices or commit to any commitments, we would have no sense of purpose.

With emotion being such an integral part of being a human, it majorly assist in our day-to-day life and interactions. They play a vital role in our social interactions and social standing (Barbalet, 2006).

Emotions are not just mental, they are physical too and show in they way we stand and interact. When we are put into a stressful situation our face and body language may show that fear and we might feel weak at the knees (Barbalet, 2006).

Do you remember?

Can emotions produce physically?


How does fatigue affect emotion and relating theories?


The concept of fatigue is still a concept that is growing and gaining understating, in this section we will discover two specific theories, one that was used to explain fatigue before a deeper understanding was considered, and a theory that explains how much fatigue can impact someones life and and the correlation to emotion (Hockey, 2013).

There are two main obstacles to the development of a concrete theory that Robert Hockey (2013) explains. One being irresistible tendency, which is the exhaustion of energy, and the other is the near-universal tendency to see fatigue as a negative state (Hockey, 2013).

Classical fatigue theory


This is the idea that fatigue is caused due to a lack of energy, there is no direct theory (Hockey, 2013).

Motivational control theory


Robert Hockey developed a theory in relation to fatigue, he presented the thought that if fatigue is treated as an emotion, that you would be able to improve their life in a positive manner (Hockey, 2013).

Improving our lives


Once we understand the effect fatigue has on emotion how can we improve our lives using this knowledge based on psychological science? (Hockey, 2013).

Do you remember?

Which theory was developed by Robert Hockey?

Classical fatigue syndrome
Motivational control theory of fatigue



Based on psychological theory and research about fatigue and emotion, we have explored in a deep manner and been able to gain an understating on how fatigue can have an effect on emotion in a negative light. Through theories such as motivation control, we are able to develop an understanding to use this new learning to treat and help fatigue suffers and enable them to improve their life.

Its important that we learn from this, and be able to relate to the people around us who may be suffering from fatigue, and therefore guide them to ways in which they can improve their life. its very important that we all take time for ourselves and remember it is okay to have a day of personal reflection and development, that could either be by sleep or exercise or whatever is your need at that time.

See also


Extended learning links


Barbalet, J. (2006). Emotion. Contexts, 5(2), 51–53.

Hockey, R. (2013). The psychology of fatigue : Work, effort and control. ProQuest Ebook Central. 1-272. Retrived from:

Moss-Morris, R., & Petrie, K. J. (2000). Chapter 1: Chronic fatigue syndrome. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Routledge), 1–11.
