Motivation and emotion/Book/2016


  1. Anorexia nervosa and extrinsic motivation - What extrinsic motivational factors contribute to anorexia nervosa? - U3083662
  2. Artistic creation motivation - What motivates artists to create art? - U3117592
  3. Attention restoration theory - What is the ART, what is the evidence, and how can it be applied?  - U3083764
  4. Australian Indigenous language revival motivation - What motivates revival of Australian Indigenous languages? - Yirandha
  5. Betrayal motivation - What motivates betrayal of trust?  - TristanMM
  6. Bystander intervention motivation - What motivates bystander intervention? Why do some people choose to get involved whilst others don't?   - U3117275
  7. Bullying and social needs - What is the role of social needs for bullies and victims? - U109993
  8. Chemotherapy effects on motivation - What effect does chemotherapy have on patients' motivation to complete everyday activities? - U3096559
  9. Competition fighting motivation - What motivates people to engage in competition fighting? - U3121724
  10. Delayed reinforcement and motivation - What is the effect of delayed reinforcement on motivation?  - Boz3084889
  11. Eating disorders and motivation - What motivates eating disorders? - AmandaReyn
  12. Employee motivation and money - How effective is money as a motivator for employee work? - U3117121
  13. Exercise motivation and personality - How do personality traits influence a person’s motivation to exercise?   - U3100368
  14. Extreme altruism - What motivates people to risk their lives to save others? - JazNF
  15. Extreme sport motivation - What motivates participation in extreme sports? - Jlezon
  16. Group motivation and weight loss - How can undertaking diet and exercise goals in peer-groups motivate people to lose weight?   - Qt3141
  17. Habit theories and behaviour - How do habit theories account for behaviour? - Amyreilly
  18. Honesty-promoting conditions - What conditions motivate honesty over deception? - U3113687
  19. Ideological motivation and violent crime - What is the role of ideological motivation in violent crime?  - Lizzy94
  20. Illicit drug taking at music festivals - What motivates young people to take illicit drugs at music festivals?  - U3100481
  21. Immunisation motivation in childhood - What motivates parents to vaccinate or not vaccinate their children?  - U985072
  22. Intimacy motivation - What motivates us to seek intimacy? What are the positive and negative effects of intimacy motivation? - Reneeduffey
  23. Intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation in athlete doping - What is the role of intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation in doping by athletes?   - Jbboys
  24. Leisure motivation - What motivates us to partake in leisure activities?   - HomerIncognito
  25. Long-term goal achievement - What motivates people to complete their long-term goals? - U3115326
  26. Mental health help-seeking motivation - What motivates people to seek help and not seek help for mental health problems?  - U3111001
  27. Mental illness and treatment motivation - What role does treatment motivation play in managing mental illness? - U3030524
  28. Mindsets and motivation - What are mindsets and how do they affect motivation? - U3115433
  29. Mobile phone addiction - What motivates addictive mobile phone use?  - Hanahajdar
  30. Motivational interviewing - What is MI and how can it be applied in everyday life? - U3121927
  31. Narcoterrorism motivation - What motivates narcoterrorism?  - Chot24
  32. Online shopping motivation - What motivates online shopping? - C1nd1rella
  33. Overcoming social stigmas - What motivates people to overcome social stigmas that they hold?  - Daniel J Baxter
  34. Overeating motivation - Why do we over eat and how can we regulate it? - Azeccola
  35. Parent relocation after separation motivation - What motivates a parent to relocate after separation?  - Rewatt
  36. Parkinson's disease treatment motivation - How does motivation to decrease PD symptomatology affect the efficacy of treatment?  - Muzz2016
  37. Performance enhancing drug usage motivation in elite athletes - What motivates elite athletes to use performance enhancing drugs?  - U3115468
  38. Political orientation and motivation - What is the relationship between psychological motives and political orientation? - Laurencegrimwood
  39. Polyamory and emotional need fulfillment - How can polyamory contribute to emotional need fulfillment?  - U3096943
  40. Postpartum return to work motivation - What motivates and what discourages postpartum return to work?   - Sebastian Kelly
  41. Recreational learning motivation - What motivates people to learn recreationally? - JEMwarren
  42. Recycling motivation - What motivates people to engage in household recycling? - U3108945
  43. Religious radicalisation motivation - What motivates religious radicalisation?  - B_Laurie
  44. Reward dependence and motivation - What is the effect of reward dependence on motivation? - U3080948
  45. School belonging motivation - What motivates students to belong to school communities? - U3081127
  46. Self-harm motivation in adolescence - What motivates self-harm during adolescence and what can be done about it? - U3115195
  47. Self-management and chronic illness - How can we help motivate patients to engage in self-management activities?  - Jessann95
  48. Sexting motivation - What motivates sexting?  - U3100464
  49. Sexual assault non-reporting motivation - What motivates non-reporting of sexual assault by victims?   - U3120626
  50. Sexual motivation and hormones - What role do hormones play in sexual motivation and sexual arousal? - Brenna Hundy
  51. Sexual motivation and narcissism - What is the relationship between sexual motivation and narcisissm - U3115499
  52. Sexual offender risk assessment - How can a sexual offender's future risk of offending be assessed?  -U3117114
  53. Sexual swinging motivation - What motivates couples to engage in sexual swinging activities? - U3158994
  54. Sleep and motivation - How does sleep affect motivation? - Franchescamary u3099490
  55. Underage binge drinking motivation - What motivates underage binge drinking and what can be done about it? - U3117609
  56. University drop-out motivation - What factors contribute to university student drop-out? - Smfisher96
  57. Validation seeking motivation - What is validation seeking and what are its consequences?  - U3100107
  58. Victim blaming motivation - What motivates victim blaming? - U3101287
  59. Villain motivations - To what extent are villains’ motivations realistic portrayals of criminal motivations?  - U3117165
  60. Vocational motivation and personality - What is the relationship between vocational motivation and personality?  - BecNorton
  61. Volunteering motivation: Altruism or egoism? – To what extent is volunteering motivated by altruism or egoism? - U3115515
  62. Youth suicide motivation - What motivates young people to commit suicide? - U3062955


  1. Affective forecasting - What is affective forecasting and how does it influence our lives?  - U3119288
  2. Amygdala in sport - What role does the amygdala and amygdala hijack play in sport? - U3117614
  3. Antidepressants and emotion - What is the effect of antidepressants on emotion?  - U3166203
  4. Attachment type and emotion - How does attachment type influence emotional experience? - Bee Taylor
  5. Awe as an emotion - What is awe? Why does it occur? What is its impact? How can awe be cultivated? - U3143063
  6. Biophilia hypothesis and emotion - What are the emotional implications of the BH and how can this be applied?   - U3141229
  7. Blushing and emotion - What are the emotional causes and consequences of blushing? - Audrey O'Mara
  8. Body shame - What is body shame, what are its precursors and consequences, and what can be done about it? - U3117274
  9. Broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions - What is the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions and how can it be applied in everyday life? - U3112339
  10. Cannabis and anxiety - What are the effects of cannabis and cannabis withdrawal on anxiety? - U3100468
  11. Cannabis and negative emotions - What is the effect of cannabis on negative emotions?  - TessBailey
  12. Changing mood through colour - How can colour be used to change people's mood? - U3107175
  13. Chronic pain and negative emotion - What are the negative emotional effects of chronic pain and how can these be managed?  - U932794
  14. Coping with stigma - What characterises adaptive versus maladaptive coping with stigma?  - U3100313Jh
  15. Cortical activation patterns and emotion - How do cortical activation patterns reflect emotion? - Cora.boyle
  16. Death anxiety - What is death anxiety and how does it affect our lives?   - LeoDean1993
  17. Delay discounting and emotion - What role do emotions play in delay discounting? - U3083098
  18. Disaffectation - What is disaffectation, why does it matter, and what can be done about it? - U3117324
  19. Dyslexia and negative emotions - What are the negative emotional effects of dyslexia and how can these be managed?  - U113403
  20. Emotional hijacking - What is emotional hijacking and how can it be managed? - Arlo Porter
  21. Emotional intelligence and job performance - What is the relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance?  - U3090066
  22. Emotional intelligence development in the transition from adolescence to young adulthood - How does emotional intelligence change and develop during the transition from adolescence to young adulthood? - U3100166
  23. Emotional labour - What is emotional labour? What are the consequences of performing emotional labour? What can be done about it?  - U3081523
  24. Euphoria as an emotion - What is euphoria, what causes it, and what are its consequences? - U3113858
  25. False physiological feedback and emotional appraisal - How does false physiological feedback affect emotional appraisal? - U3100675
  26. Grit - What is grit, how does it help, and how can it be developed?  - U944295
  27. Laughter yoga and emotion - What is laughter yoga and how does it affect emotion?  - U3112335
  28. MDMA and emotional empathy - What is the effect of MDMA on emotional empathy? - U3068644
  29. Negative emotion and unhealthy food - Why do we seek unhealthy food when experiencing negative emotions? - U3091062
  30. Norepinephrine and emotion - What is the relationship between norepinephrine and emotion?  - U3116429
  31. Nostalgia and emotion - What is nostalgia and its relationship with emotion?  - U3160824
  32. Physical versus emotional infidelity - What are the emotional effects of physical compared to emotional infidelity? And which one has the greatest effect? - Mckeak
  33. Physical literacy and affect - What are the affective aspects of physical literacy? - U3115335
  34. Plants in the office and emotion - What is the effect of plants in offices on worker emotions?  - Sophia sk16
  35. Prejudice and emotion - How does emotion contribute to prejudice? - U3117451
  36. Prenatal depression - What is it, what are the risk factors, and how can it be managed?  - U3096780
  37. Processing fluency theory of aesthetic pleasure - What is the PFTAP and what are the implications for hedonic experience?  - CeeJay95
  38. Psychological resilience development in children - How can psychological resilience be developed in children?  - CassP22
  39. Public speaking anxiety - Why do we get nervous about public speaking and how can it be managed?   - U3119842
  40. Rank theory of depression - What is the rank theory of depression and what are its implications? - U3117609
  41. Regret - Why are people disappointed with personal past acts, inaction, and behaviours?  - u3119387
  42. Restricted interests and anxiety in children with autistic spectrum disorders - What is the relationship between restricted interests and anxiety in children with ASD?  - U901934
  43. Rituals and emotion - What is the effect of rituals on our emotional lives? - U3142309
  44. Sex and happiness - What is the relationship between sexual behaviour and happiness?  - u3107948
  45. Sleep and depression - What is the relationship between sleep and depression?  - U3121176
  46. Smiling, laughter, and happiness - What is the effect of smiling and laughter on happiness?  - U30964
  47. Solastalgia - What is solastalgia and how can we deal with it?  - U3084209
  48. Stress recovery theory - What is SRT, what is the evidence, and how can it be applied?  - Jazznicol
  49. Terror - What is terror, what causes it, and what can be done about it?  - u3119480
  50. Tickling and emotion - What are the emotional effects of being tickled?  - U3116539
  51. Time perspective and happiness - What is the relationship between time perspective and happiness? 
  52. Vicarious trauma effects on the emotionality of mental health workers - What are the emotional effects of vicarious trauma on mental health workers? - U3091457
  53. Water and emotion - What is the effect of water-containing environments (or bluespace) on emotion? - U3069957