Metaphysics (Alternate View)/Creation/Gyroscope

(An alternative view by Calgea 19:49, 6 June 2007 (UTC))

Conical Pendulum


Think of a gyroscope sitting on a frictionless pedestal. Let the wheel rotate at a constant rate on its vertical axis. The only energy in this state is the angular energy in the wheel.

Now displace the axis from the vertical, say ten degrees. As the gyro precesses, the viewer is looking at an upside down conical pendulum.

Conical Pendulum

Simple Pendulum


Arrange the gyro so that its axis is horizontal, and it precesses in the horizontal plane. Let the viewer be on a rotating platform that turns at the precession rate. In this state, the axis is always pointing to the right of the viewer. Hit the axis so that it starts to nutate, i.e., bob up and down.

The viewer is looking at a horizontal simple pendulum.

Simple Pendulum

Why doesn’t the gyro fall?


Field View


Stop the gyro from nutating and start over. Place the gyro on two pedestals, one at each end. The only energy in this state is the vertical field of Spin energy due to the rotating wheel.

Remove the pedestal on the right. At the instant of removal, the gyro begins to fall due to gravity. At this instant, there is a displacement angle. This displacement angle means there is a new and different field of Spin. There is also a field of Linear motion as in the simple pendulum. Because of the catalytic action of the field of Spin, this inward Linear motion translates to a perpendicular outward Linear motion and the gyro precesses.

Energy Circles


There are three energy circles related to this gyro. The first is the circle in the plane of the rotating wheel and representing the energy in the wheel. The second is a vertical circle in the plane of the axis and representing the Spin energy due to gravity. The third circle is in the horizontal plane of precession. It represents the Linear motion energy due to the precession of the gyro.

The third energy circle appears to be a field of Spin energy. This cannot be. Energy of one type cannot change to energy of the same type without a catalyst.

Note: This above is not the accepted view.