Mathematics for Applied Sciences (Osnabrück 2023-2024)/Part I/Exercise sheet 6


Calculate in the polynomial ring the product

Let be a field and let be the polynomial ring over . Prove the following properties concerning the degree of a polynomial:

Show that in a polynomial ring over a field , the following statement holds: if are not zero, then also .

Let be a field and let be the polynomial ring over . Let . Prove that the evaluating function

satisfies the following properties (here let ).

Insert into the polynomial the number .

Show that

is a zero of the polynomial

Evaluate the polynomial

replacing the variable by the complex number .

Show that the composition (the inserting of a polynomial into another one) of two polynomials is again a polynomial.


denote a real polynomial with . Describe in dependence on the coefficients a bound such that

holds for all .

Let be a field and let be the polynomial ring over . What is the result when we divide (with remainder) a polynomial by ?

Perform, in the polynomial ring , the division with remainder , where , and .

Let be a field and let be the polynomial ring over . Show that every polynomial , , can be decomposed as a product

where and is a polynomial with no roots (no zeroes). Moreover, the different numbers and the exponents are uniquely determined apart from the order.

The exponents are called the order of zero of the zero in the polynomial.

Let and denote different normed polynomials of degree over a field . How many intersection points may both graphs have at most?

Let be a non-constant polynomial. Prove that can be decomposed as a product of linear factors.

Determine the smallest real number for which the Bernoulli inequality with exponent holds.

Let be a polynomial with real coefficients and let be a root of . Show that also the complex conjugate is a root of .

Find a polynomial

with , such that the following conditions hold.

Find a polynomial

with , such that the following conditions hold.

Let be an ordered field and let be the polynomial ring over . Let

Show that fulfils the following three properties.

  1. Either or or .
  2. If , then also .
  3. If , then also .

Let be the polynomial ring over a field . Show that the set

with a suitable addition and multiplication is a field, where two fractions and are considered to be equal if .

Compute in the following expressions.

  1. The product
  2. The sum
  3. The inverse of

Sketch the graph of the following rational functions

where each time is the complement set of the set of the zeros of the denominator polynomial .

  1. ,
  2. ,
  3. ,
  4. ,
  5. ,
  6. ,
  7. .

Let be an ordered field, let be the polynomial ring over and set

the field of rational functions over . Show, using Exercise 6.19 , that can be made into an ordered field, which is not an archimedean ordered field.

Let be a real number, . Prove for by induction the relation

Compute the compositions and for the rational functions

Show that the composition of rational functions is again a rational function.


Exercise (3 marks)

Compute in the polynomial ring the product

Exercise (3 marks)

Perform in the polynomial ring the division with remainder , where and .

Exercise (4 marks)

Perform, in the polynomial ring the division with remainder , where


Exercise (2 marks)

Prove the formula

for odd.

Exercise (4 marks)

Let be a non-constant polynomial with real coefficients. Prove that can be written as a product of real polynomials of degrees or .

Exercise (4 marks)

Find a polynomial of degree for which


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