Mathematics for Applied Sciences (Osnabrück 2023-2024)/Part I/Exercise sheet 11


Give an example of a continuous function

which takes exactly two values​​.


be a continuous function which takes only finitely many values. Prove that is constant.

Does there exist a real number such that its third power, reduced by the fourfold of its second power, equals the square root of ?

Find a zero for the function

in the interval using the interval bisection method with a maximum error of .

We consider the function

Determine, starting with the interval and using the bisection method, an interval of length which contains a zero of .

We consider the function

Determine, starting with the interval and using the bisection method, an interval of length which contains a zero of .

We consider the mapping given by

Show, using the intermediate value theorem, that obtains every value at least in two points.

Let be a continuous function and let be "close“ to a zero of . Is then close to ?

Fridolin says:

"Something is wrong about the Intermediate value theorem. For the continuous function

we have and . Due to the Intermediate value theorem, there must be a zero between and , hence a number with . However, we always have .“

Where is the mistake in this argument?

Let be a real number. Show that the following properties are equivalent.

  1. There exist a polynomial , , with integer coefficients and with .
  2. There exists a polynomial , , wit .
  3. There exists a normed polynomial with .


be continuous functions with and . Show that there is a point with .

The next exercises use following terms.

Let be a set and let

be a mapping. An element such that is called a fixed point

of .

Determine the fixed points of the mapping

Let be a polynomial of degree , . Show that has at most fixed points.

Let be a continuous function, and suppose that there exist with


Show that has a fixed point.

Show that the image of a closed interval under a continuous function is not necessarily closed.

Show that the image of an open interval under a continuous function is not necessarily open.

Show that the image of a bounded interval under a continuous function is not necessarily bounded.

Let be a real interval and let

denote a continuous injective function. Show that is strictly increasing or strictly decreasing.

Show that the function defined by

is a continuous, strictly increasing, bijective function

and that its inverse function is also continuous.

  1. Sketch the graphs of the functions


  2. Determine the intersection points of these graphs.

Show that for every real number , there exists a continuous function

such that is the only zero of .

Show that for every real number , there exists a continuous function

such that is the only zero of and such that for every rational number , also is rational.

Show that for every real number , there exists a strictly increasing continuous function

such that is the only zero of and such that for every rational number , also is rational.


be a continuous function. Show that is not surjective.

Give an example of a bounded interval and a continuous function

such that the image of is bounded, but the function admits no maximum.


be a continuous function defined over a real interval. The function has at points , , local maxima. Prove that the function has between and has at least one local minimum.

Determine directly, for which the power function

has an extremum at the point zero.


Exercise (5 marks)

Find for the function

a zero in the interval using the interval bisection method, with a maximum error of .

Exercise (3 marks)

Let denote a continuous function having the property that the image of is unbounded in both directions. Show that is surjective.

Exercise (4 marks)

Show that a real polynomial of odd degree has at least one real zero.

Exercise (5 marks)

Write a computer-program (in pseudocode) which for a polynomial of degree computes a zero within an accuracy of a given number berechnet.

  • The computer has as many memory units as needed, which can contain nonnegative real numbers.
  • It can write the content of a memory unit into another memory unit.
  • It can halve the content of a memory unit and write the result into another memory unit.
  • It can add the content of two memory units and write the result into another memory unit.
  • It can multiply the content of two memory units and write the result into another memory unit.
  • It can compare the content of memory units and can, depending on the outcome, switch to a certain program line.
  • It can print contents of memory units and it can print given texts.
  • There is a stop command.

The initial configuration is

with and (hence, the coefficients of the polynomial, the accuracy and are in the first memory units). The program shall print a sentence telling the bounds of an interval for a zero with the wished-for accuracy and stop.
Caution: The main difficulty is here that the polynomials do not have any zero on due to our condition. Hence we have to find a zero in the negative real numbers. However, the memory units do not accept negative numbers. Therefore we have to emulate/simulate negative numbers by nonnegative numbers.

Exercise (4 marks)


be a continuous function from the interval into itself. Prove that has a fixed point.

Exercise (2 marks)

Determine the limit of the sequence

Exercise (2 marks)

Determine the minimum of the function

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