Mathematics for Applied Sciences (Osnabrück 2011-2012)/Part I/Exercise sheet 4


Establish, for each  , whether the function


is injective and/or surjective.

Show that there exists a bijection between   and  .

Give examples of mappings


such that   is injective, but not surjective, and   is surjective, but not injective.

Let   and   be sets and let


be a function. Let


be another function such that   and  . Show that   is the inverse of  .

Determine the composite functions   and   for the functions  , defined by


Let   and   be sets and let




be functions. Show that


Let   be sets and let


be functions with their composition


Show that if   is injective, then also   is injective.



be functions, which are increasing or decreasing, and let   be their composition. Let   be the number of the decreasing functions among the  's. Show that if   is even, then   is increasing, and if   is odd, then   is decreasing.

Calculate in the polynomial ring   the product


Let   be a field and let   be the polynomial ring over  . Prove the following properties concerning the degree of a polynomial:


Show that in a polynomial ring over a field  , the following statement holds: if   are not zero, then also  .

Let   be a field and let   be the polynomial ring over  . Let  . Prove that the evaluating function


satisfies the following properties (here let  ).


Evaluate the polynomial


replacing the variable   by the complex number  .

Perform, in the polynomial ring  , the division with remainder  , where  , and  .

Let   be a field and let   be the polynomial ring over  . Show that every polynomial  ,  , can be decomposed as a product


where   and   is a polynomial with no roots (no zeroes). Moreover, the different numbers   and the exponents   are uniquely determined apart from the order.

Let   be a non-constant polynomial. Prove that   can be decomposed as a product of linear factors.

Determine the smallest real number for which the Bernoulli inequality with exponent   holds.

Sketch the graph of the following rational functions


where each time   is the complement set of the set of the zeros of the denominator polynomial  .

  1.  ,
  2.  ,
  3.  ,
  4.  ,
  5.  ,
  6.  ,
  7.  .

Let   be a polynomial with real coefficients and let   be a root of  . Show that also the complex conjugate   is a root of  .


Exercise (3 marks)

Consider the set   and the function


defined by the following table


Compute  , that is the  -rd composition (or iteration) of   with itself.

Exercise (2 marks)

Prove that a strictly increasing function


is injective.

Exercise (3 marks)

Let   be sets and let


be functions with their composite


Show that if   is surjective, then also   is surjective.

Exercise (3 marks)

Compute in the polynomial ring   the product


Exercise (4 marks)

Perform, in the polynomial ring   the division with remainder  , where




Exercise (4 marks)

Let   be a non-constant polynomial with real coefficients. Prove that   can be written as a product of real polynomials of degrees   or  .