Maritime Health Research and Education-NET/EDUCATION/Bachelor Graduation projects ongoing/Work related stress in seafarers and maritime students evaluated by using GHQ12/Minutes from meetings
17 Dec 2020
- Rio SDU - notification - no more at the moment
- Next meeting , Isabella informs Jan-Feb
Zoom 4 dec 2pm
- Endnote consider course
- Data available Trieste - any, to be sent ...
- Cronogram - done
- Rio SDU - notification - no more at the moment
- Orientation yes
- Next meeting 17 dec kl 14
editData collected in Italy n=72 based on GHQ12 among seafarers with specific interest for COvid-19 Jan-May2020, data owner Giuliano Pesel, Trieste, Italy he has given his accept to re-use data for Bachelor thesis. Anynomous data.
Zoom Friday 13 Nov at 2pm
Participants: IWJ, OJ, FB absent
- Endnote consider course
- Data available Trieste - any, to be sent ...
- Cronogram - on the way
- Rio SDU - orientation notification
- Orientation guideline rules and deadline
- Next meeting 4 Dec 3pm - IWJ invite Zoom 15 min before
editData collected in Italy n=72 based on GHQ12 among seafarers with specific interest for COvid-19 Jan-May2020, data owner Giuliano Pesel, Trieste, Italy he has given his accept to re-use data for Bachelor thesis. Anynomous data.
Zoom Friday 4 Dec at 2 pm:
Partipants: IWJ, OJ
- Endnote - if course needed later, then this is done
- SDU RIO - IWJ contacts RIO
- Data - Overview over data, talk about how to put dataset in STATA and talk about outcome (score of GHQ12 on Likert-scale)
- Chronogram - done
- Research question - discuss draft of problem formulation
- Plan - a minimum of acitivities in January, no need for meetings
Next meeting:
Thursday 17 Dec 2020, at 2 pm.
IWJ send invitation on mail to Zoom-meeting