Maritime Health Research and Education-NET/EDUCATION/Bachelor Graduation projects ongoing/Work related stress in seafarers and maritime students evaluated by using GHQ12

Title of project Work related stress in seafarers and maritime students evaluated by using GHQ12

MSc Pub Health Bachelor Thesis edit

Student edit

Isabella Wetke Jensen

Supervisors edit

Olaf Jensen, Fereshteh Baygi,

Minutes from meetings edit

Tasks to be done edit

  1. Create an account in Wikiversity
  2. Select and complete relevant methodology courses: Theoretical Program - open here
  3. Create structure for all the documents


  1. The research question
  2. Search and review of scientific articles - literature
  3. Synopsis (Protocol) with chronogram
  4. Questionnaire
  5. Data Collection (data available)
  6. Data analysis
  7. Manuscript - Thesis
  8. Presentation ppt exam


  1. Start and complete a research project
  2. Electronic Research tools_1
  3. Electronic Research tools 2
  4. Reading of scientific articles
  5. Theoretical epidemiology and biostatstics
  6. Checklists manuscript
References edit

How to write medical articles