18th century European scholarly societies and academies/Literary Society in Exeter



Name of Society: Literary Society in Exeter

Alternate Name(s): Society of Gentlemen at Exeter, Gentlemen of Devonshire and Cornwall

Country: England

City: Exeter

Active dates: 1792-1808

The Literary Society in Exeter was founded in 1792 by William Jackson and with the help of a couple of his friends. Meetings were held at the Globe Inn on Fore Street, each member present read an original prose or verse composition. The association published in 1792 'Poems chiefly by Gentlemen of Devonshire and Cornwall' (2 vols.), edited by Polwhele, and in 1796 'Essays by a Society of Gentlemen at Exeter.'



The entry (by Robert Farquharson Sharp) for Jackson, William (1730-1803) in the DNB (1921-1922), v.10, pp.548-549 gives this name and start date; the entry (by John Westby-Gibson) for Downman, Hugh (1740-1809) in the DNB (1921-1922), v.5, pp.1307-1308 gives the end date for the Society.



Robert Farquharson Sharp for Jackson, William (1730-1803) in the DNB (1921-1922), v.10, pp.548-549 William Prideaux Courtney for Polwhele, Richard (1760-1838) in the DNB (1921-1922), v.16, pp.71-73 John Westby-Gibson for Downman, Hugh (1740-1809) in the DNB (1921-1922), v.5, pp.1307-1308