Linear algebra (Osnabrück 2024-2025)/Part I/Lecture 30/refcontrol

Affine generating systems

Let be an affine spaceMDLD/affine space over the -vector spaceMDLD/vector space . In this situation, the intersectionMDLD/intersection (family) of a family of affine subspacesMDLD/affine subspaces , ,

is again an affine subspace.

If the intersection is empty, then the statement holds by definition. So let . We may write the affine subspaces as

with linear subspacesMDLD/linear subspaces . Let

which is a linear subspace, due to fact. We claim that

From , we can deduce

with , so that holds. If holds, then directly follows.

In particular, for every subset in an affine space , there exist a smallest affine subspace containing .

Let be an affine spaceMDLD/affine space over the -vector spaceMDLD/vector space , and let denote a subset. Then, the smallest affine subspaceMDLD/affine subspace of , which contains , consists of all barycentric combinationsMDLD/barycentric combinations

The given set contains the points from , as we can take a standard tuple as a barycentric coordinate tuple. Therefore, the claim follows from fact and exercise.

Let be an affine spaceMDLD/affine space over the -vector spaceMDLD/vector space , and let be an affine subspace.MDLD/affine subspace A family of points , , is called an affine generating system

of , if is the smallest affine subspace of containing all points .

A point generates, as an affine space, the point itself, two points generate the connecting line.

Affine independence

Let be an affine spaceMDLD/affine space over a -vector spaceMDLD/vector space , and let

be a finite family of points in . We say that this family of points is affinely independent, if an equality


is only possible if

for all


Let be an affine spaceMDLD/affine space over a -vector spaceMDLD/vector space , and let

denote a finite family of points in . Then the following statements are equivalent.
  1. The points are affinely independent.MDLD/affinely independent
  2. For every , the family of vectors

    is linearly independent.MDLD/linearly independent

  3. There exists some such that the family of vectors

    is linearly independent.

  4. The points form an affine basisMDLD/affine basis in the affine subspaceMDLD/affine subspace generatedMDLD/generated (affine) by them.


Affine mappings

Let be a fieldMDLD/field and let and denote affine spacesMDLD/affine spaces over the vector spacesMDLD/vector spaces  and , respectively. A mappingMDLD/mapping

is called affine (or affine-linear), if there exists a linear mappingMDLD/linear mapping

such that

holds for all and


It suffices to check this condition for just one point and all vectors, see exercise.

A mapping

is affine-linearMDLD/affine-linear with linear part if and only if the diagram

commutes. For an affine-linear mapping

the linear part (assume )

is uniquely determined. This is because we must have

for an arbitrary point . Therefore, we denote the linear part with . in particular, for two points , we have

Let be a field,MDLD/field and let and denote affine spacesMDLD/affine spaces over the vector spacesMDLD/vector spaces

 and . Then the following statements hold.
  1. The identity

    is affine-linear.

  2. The compositionMDLD/composition (mapping) of affine-linear mappingsMDLD/affine-linear mappings


    is again affine-linear.

  3. For a bijective affine-linear mapping

    also the inverse mappingMDLD/inverse mapping is affine-linear.

  4. For , the translation

    is affine-linear.

  5. A linear mappingMDLD/linear mapping is affine-linear.

These properties follow immediately from the definition.

Let and denote affine spacesMDLD/affine spaces over a fieldMDLD/field , and let

denote a mapping. Then, is affine-linearMDLD/affine-linear if and only if for every barycentric combinationMDLD/barycentric combination with , the equality


Let and denote the vector spaces for and for , respectively. Suppose first that is affine-linear with linear part

Let a barycentric combination with and be given. Then we have (with an arbitrary point )

Now, suppose that the mapping is compatible with barycentric combinations. We set

for , where is any point. We first show that this is independent of the chosen point . The sum

is a barycentric combination of the point , see exercise. Therefore, we have in the equality

Hence, we have in the equality

and, therefore,

We have to show that is linear. For and , we have

Thus, we have

Let be a field,MDLD/field and let and denote affine spacesMDLD/affine spaces over the -vector spacesMDLD/vector spaces  and . A bijectiveMDLD/bijective affine-linear mappingMDLD/affine-linear mapping

is called an

affine isomorphism.

In a certain sense, affine-linear mappings are built from translations and linear mappings.

Let be a fieldMDLD/field and let be an affine spaceMDLD/affine space over the vector spaceMDLD/vector space . Let . Then the affine-linear mappings

having as a fixed pointMDLD/fixed point correspond to the linear mappingsMDLD/linear mappings

The assignment is given by . We have to show that for every linear mapping , there is a unique affine-linear mapping

with this linear part. Because of

there can exist at most one such an affine-linear mapping, and, by this rule, we can define such a mapping.

The following theorem is called Determination theorem for affine mappings, and is analogous to fact.

Let be a field,MDLD/field and let and denote affine spacesMDLD/affine spaces over the vector spacesMDLD/vector spaces  and . Let , , denote an affine basisMDLD/affine basis of , and let , , denote a family of points in . Then, there exists a uniquely determined affine-linear mappingMDLD/affine-linear mapping

such that

for all


Let . Due to fact, there exists a uniquely determined linear mappingMDLD/linear mapping

such that

for all . Therefore,

is an affine-linear mapping with the properties looked for. Such an affine mapping is uniquely determined by its linear part and the image of just one point, so that

must hold.

Let be a field,MDLD/field and let denote an affine spaceMDLD/affine space with an affine basisMDLD/affine basis . Then the mapping

where denotes the barycentric coordinatesMDLD/barycentric coordinates of , is an affine-linearMDLD/affine-linear mapping, which provides an affine isomorphismMDLD/affine isomorphism between and the affine subspaceMDLD/affine subspace (vs) , guven by

The translating vector space of is

Due to fact, there exists a uniquely determined affine-linear mapping

sending to the -th standard vectorMDLD/standard vector . Because of fact, the point

is sent to

Because of

this image point belongs to . Bijectivity is clear.

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