Linear algebra (Osnabrück 2024-2025)/Part I/Exercise sheet 19

Exercise for the break

Let be a field, and let be the polynomial ring over . What is the result when we divide (with remainder) a polynomial by ?


Compute the polynomial

in the polynomial ring .

Calculate in the polynomial ring the product

Show that the polynomial ring over a field is a commutative ring.

Let be a field and let be the polynomial ring over . Prove the following properties concerning the degree of a polynomial:

Show that in a polynomial ring over a field , the following statement holds: if are not zero, then also .

Evaluate the polynomial

replacing the variable by the complex number .

Let be a field and let be the polynomial ring over . Let . Prove that the evaluating function

satisfies the following properties (here let ).

Write the polynomial

in the new variable .

Let the complex polynomials

be given. Compute (that is, plug in into ).

Perform, in the polynomial ring , the division with remainder , where , and .

The field was introduced in Example 3.9 .

Perform, in the polynomial ring , the division with remainder , where and .

In den following exercises, we deal with the solution formula for quadratic equations.

Solve the quadratic equation over .

Solve the real-quadratic equation by completing the square.

Prove the solution formula for real quadratic equations.

Suppose that, of a rectangle, its perimeter and its area are known. Determine the lengths of the edges of the rectangle.

Determine the minimal value of the real function

Solve the biquadratic equation over .

Determine the -coordinates of the intersection points of the graphs of the two real polynomials


Prove the formula

Determine all complex zeroes of the polynomial

and describe the factorization of this polynomial in and in .

Let be a polynomial with real coefficients and let be a root of . Show that also the complex conjugate is a root of .

Let be a field and let be the polynomial ring over . Show that every polynomial , , can be decomposed as a product

where and is a polynomial with no roots (no zeroes). Moreover, the different numbers and the exponents are uniquely determined apart from the order.

Let be a field, and let be the polynomial ring over . Let with . Show that all normed divisors of have the form , .

Let be a field, and let be the polynomial ring over , and let be a polynomial that has a factorization into linear factors. Let be a divisor of . Show that has also a factorization into linear factors, and that the multiplicity of every linear factor in is bounded from above by its multiplicity in .

Let be a polynomial of degree , . Show that has at most fixed points.

Let and denote different normed polynomials of degree over a field . How many intersection points may both graphs have at most?

Let be a fixed positive natural number. Show that, for every integer number , there exists a uniquely determined integer number and a uniquely determined natural number , , such that


Let be a non-constant polynomial. Prove that can be decomposed as a product of linear factors.

Let denote a nonconstant polynomial. Show that the mapping

is surjective.

Let be the polynomial ring over a field . Show that the set

with a suitable addition and multiplication is a field, where two fractions and are considered to be equal if .

Show that the composition of rational functions is again a rational function.

Compute the compositions and for the rational functions


denote functions.

a) Show the equality

b) Show by an example that the equality

does not hold in general.


Exercise (3 marks)

Compute in the polynomial ring the product

Exercise (4 marks)

Perform, in the polynomial ring , the division with remainder , where


Exercise (3 marks)

Perform, in the polynomial ring , the division with remainder , where and .

Exercise (2 marks)

Prove the formula

for odd.

Exercise (3 marks)

Determine the -coordinates of the intersection points of the graphs of the two real polynomials


Exercise (4 marks)

Let be a non-constant polynomial with real coefficients. Prove that can be written as a product of real polynomials of degrees or .

The exercise to give up

Exercise (7 marks)

Two people, and , play polynomial-guessing. In this game, imagines a polynomial , where all coefficients are in . Person is allowed to ask for the values for certain natural numbers . Here, may choose these numbers arbitrarily, taking the previous answers into account. The goal is to find the polynomial.

Describe a strategy for to find always the polynomial, where the number of questions is (independent of the polynomial) bounded.

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