Negation of an affirmative sentence


The adverb ne


The negation is formed with the adverb ne before the verb, usually with another adverb specifying the negation.
Me ne va non a domu. I'm not going home.
Le ne vi fí nullu. There's nothing here.

Adverbs of the negation

  • ne ... nò (non) - not
  • ne ... nunc (nunque) - not (stronger: sometimes like never)
  • ne ... nunqua - never
  • ne ... nullu - nothing
  • ne ... nullo/-a - noone
  • ne ... nullo/-a/-u (+ noun) - no (noun)
  • ne ... né - nothing (usually before que + clause, otherwise nullu is preferred)
  • ne ... néuno - nobody, none
  • ne ... quonéde, quoné - nowhere
  • ne ... quanéde, quané - / (something like "no way, impossibly, in no way"

Additionally, plus may be added in the sense of "anymore":
Me ne va plus. I'm not going anymore. Me ne va nunqua/nunque plus. I'm never going again. Le ne va quonéde plus. It isn't going anywhere anymore.



Nò velle in affarmative sentences and questions is always replaced by nolle. Nolle may have the adverb ne, but this is often omitted because using the verb in itself indicates a negation.
Me (ne) nollo facere istu. I don't want to do this.
In other negations from velle, ne and the other adverb is used, along with either velle or nolle:
Me ne vollo/nollo nunqua plus facere istu! I don't ever wat to do that again!

Negation of an imperative


Imperatives are negated in various ways, depending on the nature of the sentence:

  • In normal spoken and written language for a request or advice: nolle + infinitive:
    • Nole me nocere quando me lavoro. (Please don't disturb me while I'm working.)
    • Nolete fabelare. (Please don't talk.)
  • In spoken language with : nò/non + infinitive:
    • Nò facere istu. (Please don't do that.)
  • In spoken and written language for a direct command or request: nò/non + imperative:
    • Nò face istu (Don't do that.)
    • Non ite a ví! (Don't go there!)
  • In written language and formal spoken language for an advice, command or general rule: nò + gerundive:
    • Nò tranversandu per la luce rubea! (You mustn't cross the red light!)
    • Nò recontanda ista storia! (You shouldn't pass on this story!)
  • With a more specific adverb: adverb + gerundive:
    • Nunqua sortendo/-a me! (Don't ever leave me!)
    • Nunque plus facendu istu! (Don't ever do that again!)
    • Quonéde iendu! (Don't go anywhere!)

Negation of a question


In a question, the adverb non is never used. IN all other cases, the same rules as in the affirmative apply.
Te ne vel ire a lí? Don't you feel like going there? (or: Te (ne) nol ... ?)
Vo ne posseste nullu d'âllo? Isn't there anything else you can do?