Laboratory on Mathematics and Mathematics Education/Logo/Images
Logo results
editMake a collection of interesting Logo code! Be careful: You have to embed your code in a "preformatted environment" surrounded by the <pre> and </pre> tags this way:
<pre> to square :side repeat 4 [ fd :side rt 90 ] end </pre>
Square Rose (example)
editto square :side repeat 4 [ fd :side rt 90 ] end to squarerose :side repeat 10 [ square 100 rt 36 ] end
editto regpolygon :side :n repeat :n [ fd :side rt 360/:n ] end
grupo 7
editto rectangle :width :heigth repeat 2 [ fd :width rt 90 fd :heigth rt 90 ] end
grupo 7
editto star :side repeat 8 [ fd :side rt 135 ] end
editto house :altura :base rectangle :altura :base fd :altura lt 90 fd :base/5 rt 120 triangle :base*7/5 rt 60 fd :base/5 rt 90 fd :altura lt 90 fd :base*2/5 lt 90 rectangle :altura*3/4 :base/4 end
grupo 7