

This page about KnitR/Templates can be displayed as Wiki2Reveal slides. Single sections are regarded as slides and modifications on the slides will immediately affect the content of the slides. The following aspects of using, definition of Templates for KnitR are considered in detail:

  • (1) How do templates reduce workload for generation of R-Markdown documents
  • (2) Main Workflow - Load, Process, Display, Save
  • (3) Sharing of templates, template engines, template generator



This learning resource about KnitR Templates in Wikiversity has the objective to analyze template management under the FAIR Principle and as Open Educational Resources.

Learning Tasks / Activities


Learning activies focus on

  • What is a template and what is benefit and drawback of using templates?
  • What are main use-cases for templates?
  • How can templates support the generation of dynamic document generation? What are the requirements and constraints for learning resources?
  • How can template management and in conjunction with Open Educational Resources and Machine Learning be used for Intelligent Tutoring Systems[1]?

Workflow Templates

  • Loads a string from a file with filename mytemplate.txt.
  • The template may contain identfiers that are replaced with a specific content.
    My name is {{firstname}} {{lastname}}.
    The age of {{firstname}} is {{age}}.
  • Now we have specific CSV file with 3 columns "firstname", "lastname" and "age".
  • for each row of the CSV file the raw template is used and replaced by the values in the CSV file.
  • A possible output with two data sets in the CSV file could be
    My name is Anna Miller.
    The age of Anna is 25.
    My name is Bernie Smith.
    The age of Bernie is 30.

Technical Implementation


Realize the workflow about in R.


  1. Santos, G. S., & Jorge, J. (2013). Interoperable intelligent tutoring systems as open educational resources. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 6(3), 271-282.

See also


Page Information


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