KOIIA/Communication and Identities in Institutional Arenas - Part 2/Literature list

Följande böcker kan vara intressanta komplement till Davies, A The native speaker: Myth and Reality.

This page is part of KOIIA ([1],[2]), a learning community associated with a research course taught at the Department of Education of Örebro University, Sweden. The KOIIA group hopes to create a Wikiversity learning resource on intersectionality and education by mid-August, 2008.

Note that since they are a Swedish group, some of the pages created by the KOIIA group may be written partially or entirely in Swedish.

Pennycook, Alastair (1998) English and the discourses of colonialism. London : Routledge

Pennycook, Alastair and Makoni, Sinfree (eds) (2007).Disinventing and reconstituting languages. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Sara F 19:03, 5 March 2008 (UTC)Jag gör ett nytt försök att lämna

förslag till litteratur till delkurs 2:

  • Archer, Louise (2003): Race, masculinity and schooling. Muslim boys and education. Berkshire: Open University press.

(Finns att låna på UB)

  • Rowan, Leonie, Michele Knobel, Chris Bigum & Colin Lankshear (2003?): Boys, literacies and schooling. The dangerous territories of gender-based literacy reform. Berkshire: Open University Press.
  • Kumashiro, Kevin (2002): Troubling education. Queer activism and anti-oppressive pedagogy. New York & London: Routhledgefalmer.

(Mycket intressant, har läst delar ur den, finns att låna på UB. Länk till författaren: http://antioppressiveeducation.org/director.html )

  • McRuer, Robert (2006): Crip theory. Cultural signs of queerness and disability. New York & London: New York University Press.

(det vore givande att läsa crip teori inom ramen för kursen och detta är ett exempel på litteratur, finns att låna på UB)

Ett annat förslag (från Karin)

  • Linell, Per (2008): Rethinking Language, Mind and World Dialogically:Interactional and contextual theories of human sense-making Book ms.

(ännu ej utgiven, men publiceras i år)