Intensive Care Nursing/Trauma

Principles and practice of the management of the trauma patient. The speciality of the trauma nurse.

  1. Trauma
  2. Trauma Network and Systems
  3. Systematic Trauma Assessment
  4. Mechanism of Injury
  5. Head Trauma and Intracranial Pressure Management
  6. Spinal Management
  7. Thoracic Trauma
  8. Pelvic and Abdominal Trauma
  9. Musculoskeletal Trauma
  10. Shock- Care and Management
  11. Burns Management



Patients presenting to the Intensive Care or the emergency department following a trauma require knowledge and skills that support a systematic and timely approach.

In this trauma section we will be exploring the concepts that underpin a rapid and systematic response to trauma presentations, including identification of major trauma; recognition of the role mechanism of injury plays in producing trauma and injury; the importance of the pre-hospital period; and the approach to the assessment and resuscitation of major trauma patients.



Curtis, K. & Ramsden, C., (2011) Emergency and Trauma Care for nurses and paramedics. Sydney:Mosby

Life In The FastLane (LITFL)


ICUnurses (discusscontribs)