Intensive Care Nursing/Sepsis Scenarios/Surgical Sepsis Unfolding Case Study

Background and Arrival In The Emergency Department


MG is an 64-year-old patient is brought to the emergency department from a home due to intense abdominal pain that started after recent colostomy reversal related to colon cancer. Patient had recently finished chemotherapy treatment about a month ago. Abdomen is tender to palpation and is hot to touch. Patient is rapidly moved to your unit within 30 minutes of arrival.

On arrival the patient is connected to the monitor and vital signs are as followed:

Temperature: 38.8 C (101.8 F)

HR: 127

BP: 82/53

RR: 19

SpO2: 95% @ RA

WBC: 5k

Lactate: 2.9

Pain: 7/10

1 The provider in the ED has ordered a fluid bolus on account of their hypotension. Which of the following orders do you also anticipate seeing?

Urine culture
Blood culture
Purified Protein Derivative (PPD skin test)

2 Which of the vital signs or labs are most concerning to you at this time?

Oxygen Saturation
Respiratory rate
White Blood Cell count

  1. Surgical Sepsis Scenario p2