Intensive Care Nursing/Mechanical Ventilator Management/ICU Nurse Ventilator Management Worksheet

Ventilator Worksheet

Ventilator modes are commonly classified into two groups: _______________ controlled, and ____________ controlled.

Common Ventilator settings manipulated by nurses are _____________, ____________, ___________, and _________.

Normal peak pressure ranges from ___________ to _________.

Fill in the blanks. Normal Blood gas levels range from:

pH ___________ PaO2 _________
HCO3 _________ PaO2 _________

If the ventilator dependent patient has a respiratory rate (f) set to 15 and their tidal volume (Tv) is 250. What is their minute volume (Me/MV)? ________

If the patient is trying to cough in an effort to clear mucus, the ventilator may display this alarm: ________________

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