ICT in Education/Change Projects/2016C Bolivia Short Course Program in Distance Training

Title of the change project : "Long distance assistance"

Change agent : Pamela Uribe

Email : pam_uribe@hotmail.com

Name of the organisation : UNIVERSIDAD MAYOR DE SAN ANDRES

Country : BOLIVIA

Started date : November/2016

Status (finished/ongoing) :

1. Background of the project (problem): long distances ín La Paz department most of the time does not allow all students go to university. Even we have specifical courses for rural area once they have finished their classes the need a kind of support in order to have the abillity to do the Tesis.

2. Objectives :

3. Stakeholders :

4. List of Activities :

5. Expected result ; 

6.  Actual result  :

7. The Project organisation :

Last Updated : 20/02/217