ICT in Education/Change Projects/2014C Bangladesh Learn Math Using

Will be updated on 10th February 2015 in a training program by the participants

Change agent: Razia Begum



Name of the organization: Teachers' Training College, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Title of the change project: Learn Math Using Math Apps and Math websites Integrating Pedagogy


Country: Bangladesh


Started date: 01-10-2014


Status (Finished/ongoing)


Last Updated on: 06-02-2015


1. Background:


Mathematics is an abstract subject which many students find difficult to understand and make progress. Most students solve problems mechanically. They know some rules or formulae and will try to sue them when solving problems. Students always like playing games and puzzles.These can make the student engage in activities with enjoyment. The teacher can try to create such an environment in the classroom using math tricks and games. The student will play with mathematics and like to engage themselves in the classroom activities. They will be motivated in solving math problems with a clear understanding. This will help the student to analyze and create abstract math problems.

2. Objectives:


The students will be able to ---

  • do math with enjoyment
  • solve the math problems with clear understanding
  • analyze the math problems
  • create math problems

3. Stakeholders:


Students of Junior Secondary School (grade 6 to grade 8) in Bangladesh.

4. The Scope of the project


5. Activities:

  • Select two schools
  • Meeting with the teachers : Discuss on math tricks and games in math apps using ICT
  • Training for the teachers: Use of math tricks and games in the classroom activities using ICT with pedagogy based on national curriculum.
  • Observe the classes, talk to the students, give feedback to the teachers and evaluate the teaching learning activities.

6. Expected or final result:


Students will learn math by playing games and math tricks. Then they become more active in solving math problems with enjoyment. Their understanding will be clearer and then they can analyze and create abstract math problems. Student learns by doing activities, sharing ideas, discussion with friends, playing games, presenting project etc. By creating such a helpful environment in the classroom the teacher can use relevant math tricks and games integrating ICT and pedagogy.

7. The Project organization
