Helping Give Away Psychological Science/Translations

HGAPS Translations Team aims to put forward HGAPS mission of collecting, distilling and sharing psychological science to promote well-being by:

  1. Making existing multilingual resources easily available for those who are likely to benefit from them;
  2. Translating and adapting high-quality resources to make them available in new contexts;
  3. Developing platforms to facilitate international researcher, professional and stakeholder engagement in the advancement of these goals.
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HGAPS New for Fall 2022: HGAPS and Psychology Conferences
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HGAPS is finding new ways to make psychological science conferences more accessible!

Here are examples from APA 2022 and the JCCAP Future Directions Forum. Coming soon... ABCT!
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Ongoing projects


2006/341 Collab


Translations Team is collaborating with 2006 project in moving the questionnaires of the HGAPS' Online Free Assessment Center (currently hosted on Qualtrics) to REDCap. The translations team collaboration in the project as whole is strategic to build common knowledge and creating solid ground for the creation of a multilingual Assessment Center. Goals of this project include:

  • Building an updated version of the AC at REDCap
  • Expand the AC to new languages (e.g. Portuguese, Spanish);
  • Turn the documentation of this process into a guide that will support the ongoing updating of the AC, building on previous work and documentation of the AC Qualtrics version developed by Lizzie Wilson and others;
  • Improve our documentation of measures, allowing more of the information collected to power the AC and other HGAPS' projects to be shared in a meaningful way.

GBI Brazilian Portuguese Translation Review


Translations Team is reviewing the translations of the General Behavior Inventory to Brazilian Portuguese. The objective is to have a reviewed version of the GBI pass through a more thorough process of cultural adaptation and gathering validity evidence in Brazilian populations.

Mapping Translations


HGAPS Translations Team has build some different catalogues of measure translations. Current work on this direction includes:

  • Merging different existing catalogues to avoid unnecessary duplication;
  • Integrating cataloguing of translations in a general documentation of measures used by HGAPS as a whole (outside translations team), so that multiple projects can go international easily, and more people worldwide can benefit from HGAPS;
  • Updating existing catalogues through specific searches;
    • APA Poster 2023: Spanish and Portuguese translations in Latin America for Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar, ADHD, Conduct Disorder.
  • Building ways to facilitate community engagement on updating and rating our list of translations of measures.
    • We are building an example of a unified translations table for the GBI here.
    • We are to think about ways of crowdsourcing translations. The REDCap project "Translations Crowdsourcing" is a starting point in building that environment.

Useful Links:


HGAPS Assessment Center (general)


RedCap tutorial videos