Helping Give Away Psychological Science/Conferences

HGAPS partners with a growing number of professional societies to build Wikiversity pages that complement and extend the meetings. A small team can work with the conference organizers, and build a landing page that includes featured events and details from the program. If presenters share slides, videos, or handouts, we link these to the page. We often take notes during meetings, discussion panels, and question & answer sessions, and then organize and move these over to the Wiki page as well. All of these activities take advantage of open source tools to make it easier to find and share content from the meetings. Because Wikiversity is open, it eliminates a cost barrier: Everything here is free to share with others.

Click Here for Landing Page
Click Here for Landing Page
HGAPS New for Fall 2022: HGAPS and Psychology Conferences
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Click Here for Landing Page

HGAPS is finding new ways to make psychological science conferences more accessible!

Here are examples from APA 2022 and the JCCAP Future Directions Forum. Coming soon... ABCT!
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  • APA: HGAPS has contributed programming to the annual APA National Convention, including in partnership with SCCAP
  • ABCT: We have several events included in the 2020 Convention Program for the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), as well as pages working with the Bipolar Disorders Special Interest Group (SIG).
  • NCPA: We are partnering with the North Carolina Psychological Association to develop pages with notes and resources related to conference programming.
  • JCCAP Future Directions Forum: We have built Wikiversity pages for every meeting of the Future Directions Forum -- the first meeting was where the mash-up was born!
  • MICAMH- We partnered with Miami International Children and Adolescent Mental Health Conference to develop pages with notes and resources to the workshops and keynote speakers at the 3-day conference.
  • UNC TEACCH Autism Speaks Series
Conference List
  • ABCT: Annual Convention for the Association for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • NCPA: We are partnering with the North Carolina Psychological Association to develop pages with notes and resources related to conference programming.
  • SCCAP programming at the APA National Convention
  • JCCAP Future Directions Forum: We have built Wikiversity pages for every meeting of the Future Directions Forum -- the first meeting was where the mash-up was born!
  • MICAMH: We partnered with Miami International Children and Adolescent Mental Health Conference to develop pages with notes and resources to the workshops and keynote speakers at the 3-day conference.

HGAPS Conferences: Speaker Series


HGAPS has created speaker series where we invite distinguished members of our field to come share tips about graduate school, speak about their research, discuss opportunities in the field, and provide advice on topics such as public speaking.

What's the process?


upload these to a project on the Open Science Framework and then link back to the Wiki