Helping Give Away Psychological Science/Standard Operating Procedures/ OKRs

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What is an OKR?


Objectives and key results is a goal-setting framework for defining and tracking objectives and their outcomes. HGAPS uses this system to organize projects and initiatives.

Please Read this Wikipedia page on OKRs.


Step-by-step of the OKR system

  1. Form an objective
  2. Come up with 3-5 key results that will lead to completion of that objective
  3. Assign a goal percentage completion value to each key result from 0% -100%

A worked example of the OKR system


Objective: Starting an HGAPS chapter

Key Results

  • KR 1: Obtaining a faculty advisor (1)
  • KR 2: Become a recognized student organization on your campus (1)
  • KR 3: Recruit 50 members (.7)
  • KR 4: Elect officials and have effective and efficient executive meetings (.75)

KRs can also warrant their own sub-KRs depending on the scope of the project.

The goal is to have a 70% success rate. So, make goals that push you!

Work is based of the book Measure What Matters[1]

  1. Doerr, John E.. Measure what matters : how Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation rock the world with OKRs. Page, Larry, 1973-. New York, New York. ISBN 978-0-525-53622-2. OCLC 1016349101.