Helping Give Away Psychological Science/Standard Operating Procedures/Gaining Permissions from Authors

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Asking author permission to link to a resource on Wiki


Contact the Author

  1. Identify the primary author and his/her email address
  2. Draft an email to the author with the following message with Eric or another Profesor/Clinician/Researcher you are collaborating with or working under:

Dear ______,

I am a student/collaborator/officer/alumni member of Helping Give Away Psychological Science, a national nonprofit organization that strives to make evidence-based information about the practice of psychology available to clinicians and members of the community. We do this primarily through Wikipedia and its sister site, Wikiversity, which is focused on education, less like an encyclopedia, and even includes original work. I am writing with a few requests. Additional background information is below.


  1. May we link to your site/pdf “[insert the name of the resource they created” from our Wikiversity page on (Insert name with the hyperlinked Wiki/Wikiversity?
  2. [include if the resource is a pdf] Do you have a direct link to the pdf we can use?
  3. [include if the resource is a pdf] If there is no link, can we post it on Open Science Framework (OSF)?
  4. Are there other authors who should be given credit for this work?
  5. Please provide the name and email address for any additional authors.

Background information

  1. Include what the project/page is for
  2. Why you want to include their resource
  3. How you plan to disseminate the page
  4. Explain OSF and benefits
  5. How they will be credited

We are currently working to consolidate resources to help clinicians and patients affected by the coronavirus/COVID19 crisis. We were impressed with your site/pdf [insert the name of the resource they created]. With your permission, we would like to link to this resource on our [ex. Telepsychology site]. We hope this site will provide helpful information and have already received positive feedback from clinicians who feel overwhelmed by the amount of information being disseminated by email.

[include if the resource is a pdf] In order to link to the pdf, we can either insert the URL linking to where you store the pdf, or we can store it in Open Science Framework (OSF) which was created by the non-profit organization, Center for Open Science (COS), who also made PsyArXiv Preprints.



We would simply create a public component which is like a folder with a description of its contents like the shareable link to your pdf.

Thank you for your contributions to the community during this challenging time and for considering these requests!

  1. Send email
  2. [if resource is a pdf] If no response, follow-up on email after one week with the following message:

Dear ____________,

I am writing to follow-up on my message below. Please let me know if you have any questions. If I have not heard back from you by [two days later] I will plan to go ahead and link to your pdf through our Google Drive, which can be modified if you choose to add it to OSF later.

Thank you,

Your Name

The benefits of OSF are that

  1. The link will not break in the future
  2. It is free storage and a collaborative project hub with many add-ins
  3. We can assign the work a doi. This means that you can add it to your CV and it will be easily searchable online.
    1. If you already have an account with OSF or PsyArXiv then we can easily add you as an Administrator and a bibliographic contributor so that the doi and citation will give you credit as the author. If you do not have an account and do not want to make a free profile then we can still add you as a bibliographic contributor aka an author/owner
  4. It is also important to keep in mind that materials in OSF will be attributed to you, but available for public use. You can read more about sharing resources through OSF here.

If they say yes

  • Use the information and resources in the way you disclosed to them and update the author of completion
  • Make sure everything is in OSF and shared with collaborators
  • Link to Wiki