Helping Give Away Psychological Science/Evidence Based Assessment/997 Mingenda and tools

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HGAPS New for Fall 2022: HGAPS and Psychology Conferences
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HGAPS is finding new ways to make psychological science conferences more accessible!

Here are examples from APA 2022 and the JCCAP Future Directions Forum. Coming soon... ABCT!
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Mingenda and tools

  • To view/edit 997 mingenda click here. The mingenda is for any meetings the 997 team holds. This will be filled out with any notes from meetings.

Summer '22 audit

  • To view/edit 997 audit for Summer 2022 click here. This audit is for looking over all portfolios and seeing what needs to be added/changed.

To-do list

  • To view/edit 997 to-do list click here. This to-do list is for all things 997!