Guided Meditations/Lovingkindness Meditation

This is a script for a lovingkindness meditation[1].

Begin by finding a comfortable seated position, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath in through your nose and slowly exhaling out through your mouth. Take a few more deep breaths in and out, allowing your mind and body to relax.

As you settle into your breath, bring to mind someone in your life who you care deeply for. It could be a friend, family member, or partner. Visualize their face in your mind's eye and imagine sending them kind, loving thoughts. Repeat the following phrases silently to yourself, pausing at each comma to allow the thought to linger:

"May you be happy, may you be healthy, may you be safe, may you be at peace."

As you repeat these phrases, imagine that you are sending warm rays of loving energy to the person you have in mind. Feel the love and kindness radiating out from your heart and towards them.

Now, bring to mind someone who you may have difficulties with, someone who you may feel anger or frustration towards. This could be someone you know personally or someone who you have never met. Visualize their face in your mind's eye and imagine sending them kind, loving thoughts. Repeat the following phrases silently to yourself:

"May you be happy, may you be healthy, may you be safe, may you be at peace."

As you repeat these phrases, imagine that you are sending the same warm rays of loving energy to this person. Know that everyone, including ourselves, deserves love and kindness.

Finally, bring to mind yourself. Visualize yourself sitting in front of you, and imagine sending yourself the same kind, loving thoughts. Repeat the following phrases silently to yourself:

"May I be happy, may I be healthy, may I be safe, may I be at peace."

As you repeat these phrases, imagine that you are wrapping yourself in a warm, loving embrace. Know that you deserve to treat yourself with kindness and compassion.

Take a few more deep breaths in and out, feeling the love and kindness filling your heart. When you're ready, slowly open your eyes and take a moment to appreciate the feelings of love and kindness you've generated within yourself.

  1. This material was provided primarily by ChatGPT.