Fundamentals of Neuroscience/Exams/Quiz II

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1 The peripheral nervous system is derived from what embryonic structure?

Neural tube
Neural crest

2 The first basic step in development is:

Cell differentiation
Neural tube formation
Neural crest formation

3 During early childhood, what is the predominant change occurring in the brain?

Growth of connections
Gyrus formation in the cortex
Enlargement of neurons
Loss of connections

4 T/F: Myelination occurs at every stage of post-natal brain development


5 What is the neurological term for the brain's ability to undergo changes?


6 What brain region, crucial to sleep patterns, is sensitive to changes in light?

Reticular formation
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
Occipital lobe

7 Select all of the phenomena which can promote drowsiness and sleep:

Percieved light level
Decreased neurotrasnmitter availibility
Buildup of adenosine
Action of the hormone melatonin
Action of the hormone melanin

8 Differences between NREM and REM sleep include all of the following EXCEPT:

Eye movement
Temporary paralysis
Selective brain region deactivation
Occurance of Dreams
Neural activity patterns

9 Select all of the following which are theories for sleep's biological utility:

Replenishing neurotransmitter levels
Replenishing hormone levels
Establishing new channels and receptors
Breaking down more ATP
Boosting proper development and learning

10 T/F: Inhibitory neurons in the cortex lead to a loss of consciousness during sleep


11 All of the following are true of semantic memories EXCEPT:

They pertain to concrete facts
They are a form of declarative memory
They are ultimately stored in the cerebrum
They can include autobiographical memories

12 Select all of the following which must occur for a working memory to be maintained:

Biochemical changes occur at the synapse
A neuronal 'loop' is replayed
Sensory regions are recruited to reconstruct perceptions
The hippocampus is highly activated

13 Long term potentiaion (LTP) is:

A process of creating new connections and associations to form a memory
A process of removing inhibitory inputs impeding a certain memory circuit
A process of strengthening already existing synaptic connections

14 Select all which occur during memory recall:

The memory experience is recreated in the brain
The memory is moved from the hippocampus to the cerebrum
Neuronal connections forming the memory may be altered
Enough of the accompanying memory 'network' must be activated to recover the memory
Neurons within the memory network must synchronize their firing

15 After passing through the primary auditory cortex, what is the first language processing area words pass through?

Broca's area
Wernicke's area
Geschwind's territory

16 All of the following are involved in articulation of language EXCEPT:

Primary motor cortex must be highly activated
Specific phonemes must be selected to form words
Muscle movements of facial muscles must be precisely coordinated
Broca's area must oversee speech production

17 T/F: Broca's area, Wernicke's area, and Geshwind's territory are almost always found on only the left side of the brain


18 An emergent property is one that:

Emerges unexpectidely with few indications of its origins
Generates complex behavior out of the interactions of simple parts
Is inevitable and must result from a certain stimulus input
Is formed by a circuit

19 T/F: Emotion is a largely conscious experience independent of rational judgement


20 Select all of the brain regions correctly matched with their role in emotion:

Thalamus- tagging sensory input as emotionally arousing or not
Amygdala- center for fear and aggression
Anterior cingulate- controlling emotional responses with rational inhibition
Hypothalamus- signaling information about emotional cues to the thalamus
Prefrontal cortex- abnegating immediate reward for goal-oriented behavior