File talk:On 140055801-1 shorten by myself according to requirements.docx.pdf

Latest comment: 7 years ago by Jason M. C., Han

This essay was made during the Postmodernist Time in UK, in which I still had been being a Postgraduate student in the HASS Facility of Newcastle.(about the resource of this university, please see:

Meanwhile, through being compared with Critical Realism learned from UK and the perspectives of nowadays' Western academy, this essay can also be seen as a abstracted and critical summary of my philosophical experiences regarding with the deep understandings of Post-Marxism in China, directly from my secondary school to university.

Therefore, 'keeping the similarities and ignoring the conflicts' when reviewing it, the suggestion is: it is better to integrated threading each part as a whole, and better not to separate them or merely pick up several points for certain purposes rather than academic researching and innovation.

Currently, breaking the boundaries of Times & Spaces to see this piece, we can find: It was carrying some peaceful elements for globalized worlds' sustainability. It also was willing to construct one bridge across 'Western Eye' and 'East Eye' to 'see' the new worlds and a New Time's coming, with the Mixed Approaches in Academy. The contributions of them and the supplemental points between each other have also been generalized out, for researching applications.

Here, I personally need to give my thanks to a teacher secretly, for her academic guides of me to understand Critical Realism, though there are still some unhappy memories existing between us I had to see ... I, myself, still is willing to have been attributing these unhappy memories to the differences of both Philosophical stances and cultures - she is a Critical Realist in UK, but the main part of my postmodernism is formed by Post-Marxism and sees it as the foundation. These differences between us are growing from the roots of our 'eyes', and thereby the empirical senses of how to research are turned to different tendencies.

However, beyond these, it is she who took me to see a really different approach, compared with my past understandings, in researching and associate me to find some beautiful parts for cooperation and negotiation between 'Western Eye' and 'Eastern Eye'. In it, 'words' can beautifully recover the vivid minds and spirits living upon languages, though real paper or online and with the vitality, even till more than 'thousands' years will have pasted. However, I still believe that: much more deep practises need to be made 'from ordinary people and return back to ordinary people', even these experiences are somehow with happiness and struggling of working classes for a better life, which can touch everyone's soul and let us access to the reasonability of universe.

I thought: something, if passed, please let it be. Time is a good medicine, which can forget something hard, care the hurts and save the sins we made to ourselves. Facing the true and endless purity of universe, everyone is a child with curious eyes.

I am happy of one point: Till now, I had learned another term 'forgiveness' in my life, which enable me to feel peaceful.

We cannot make the ignorance of New Worlds in New Era is coming - Postmodernism, in which the researching root can be much mixed and flexible for everyone's equally sharing and travelling in their own channels.

Here, we say 'post-', as the pronunciation sent out, 'Time' has already posted forwards and has left worlds passed as before. We are still to be 'late'. Therefore, this article was of the same situation compared with the new development I can see recently. However, reviewing the comparisons and contrasts of two modernist roots can provide the nutrition for us to face the Postmodernist Researches and explain & predict the fresh phenomena in nature and society more confidentially and bravely. It is also another kind of the remembrance of a time of myself, which has already passed; furthermore, my heart-routine is extending.

Hoping it is helpful!

Yes, this article still needs to be developed furthermore. Meanwhile, I am thinking: my mother tongue is Chinese. Maybe, the bilingual translations frequently between each other, the progressing modifications following and the developing could make the versions better after better. But all in all, it also needs a first beginning. I thought: pushing here in Wiki-team, it is easy-going, safe and convenience for me, which motivates me to have a try.Welcoming different voices from different aspects! I think: one benefit of putting in academy under the category of university is that: something new, if we put here, can be discussed and argued firstly, which gave society more vitalities and tendencies to develop with the diversity.

Finally, it's a new era for Giants' production. 'Standing on the shoulder of Giants, you can see further' (Transformed from Sir Isaac Newton's writing, 1676). This essay is also standing on plenty Giants' shoulders, whom I had quoted internally with Harvard Reference Style. I also need to give my thanks to the peers and teachers in HASS Faculty of Newcastle University in terms of it's production. Though in someone's eyes, it is still needed to be criticised. However, my stance is still that: every word was truly recording my evidential experiences in both objective words and subjective worlds and the transitioning part during a Time. Dear friends, don't ignore your own creativity and giftedness and bring a positive yourself to the Post-.

Thanks for reviewing this essay!

Sincerely Regards

Best wishes

Jason M. C., Han (discusscontribs) 06:11, 3 June 2016 (UTC) Jason M. C., HanReply

First draft of bilingual translation (From English to Simple Chinese merely for academic usage) edit

Explanations of why this translation was produced here - for pure, reasonable and justified academic discussions, researching and self-reflexivity without any stances from politics, races and cultures (I had a try to keep the neutrality and to participant-observe the theoretical core between the two's more clearly, based on the current level of my thinking) edit

This essay was made in English which had been carrying the thinking pattern learned from Newcastle University during the period of my oversea study; however, the knowledge of Marxist philosophy is from the accumulations of my past ten more years' experiences in terms of learning and working in China. The comparing and contrasting parts of Critical Realism are what I felt very happy to learn in UK. Therefore, the translation here is also turned to a very special and empirical approach supported by the 'mixed and mixed' approach - Marxism integrated with Critical Realism. The advances of this approach are: I had totally kept Harvard style and merged it into the Chinese internal quotation. I had also kept the structuralized formation and the whole thinking framework of English. I had also been applying some reasonable and enriched clarifications of certain details with the traditional Chinese language's root - imageries-projection. Afterwards, I had almost accessed to a middle core between two languages with the purity and reasonability. Thanks to this reason, merely in these two languages, the stances from politics, cultures, societies and values have been somehow gotten away. This translation is tightly integrated with this PDF essay as a whole. I was hoping: through repeatedly translating it from one language to another for transcendently enriching and developing its details, these two researching roots would be identified and sustained prosperously. Much more applicative principles can be abstracted for practices and researches.

About this essay, I am also willing to say: Can a bilingual post-learner, when writing, totally forget his past but gain a new theory; or, can a post-learner totally forget his new learnings but merely to have remembered his past?

Oh, friends, please be merciful to me! Philosophy, to everyone, is growing all the time as a tree. To a post-citizen of the globalization, the truth is that: all the memories of us are always threaded as a peal necklace beautifully. This behaviour isn't determined by ourselves - similarly as I was willing to forget something, but I found I couldn't. What I can do is to positively progress furthermore, and continuously search the sustainability of myself when facing the dynamical developments up-to-date. I can also remember: there is a period that every night when thinking of this essay integrated with my past or avoiding to think about this essay linking with my future, I had the headache, which even influenced my sleeping quality. However, recently, I still think: if volunteering it would benefit your academic researches - even a little bit, it would be of my biggest pleasure! This is to appreciate everyone who had already been working and researching for a better life through academic approaches, and is to respect everyone who has been always contributing to the explorations of more landscapes in terms of the beautiful life with diversity.

First Draft of Bilingual Translation for Applied Linguistics of Wikiversity edit

论题: edit

后马克思主义和批判实在论在研究范式上求同存异地应用式思考- 通过批判式的思维技巧来分析英国大学志愿者机构运转情况背后的‘自我导向式劳动技能培养’,并以此给中国高等教育的相关组织一些求同存异的意见

一、 论文简介: edit

这篇论文将首先求同存异地比较后马克思主义的基本原理与批判实在论之间的异同之处。随后,新的知识由此产生,伴随着本人的自我学习反馈不断更新,并指导且裨益于本人今后的研究项目: 两者的相似之处: 1. 后马克思主义和批判实在论都深信我们生存的世界万物是动态地,并且是有内部层次的实体。这个世界既包含客体实在又包含主体实在两个部分,并且还包含这之间的一个漫长的,而每一事物都按一定比率进行主客调和着的过渡部分。而在由主体极端向客体极端过渡的这个漫长过程中,主观能动性一直能起着改天换日的巨大作用;

2. 我们从社科到自然科学的研究中,许多项目都开始于这个漫长而杂糅着的过渡地域,并将基于事物本身的机理和作用关系动态展开;

3. 从方法论的角度来说, 这种混合式的研究途径是既可以自上而下地用真理指导性地落实研究,又可以自下而上搜罗汇总证据来推导出真理。这些研究范式中,又包含了‘经验性地描述研究结果’和 ‘理论式地概化事物机制’。(Edwards,2014;Marxist,1845)


1. 对于‘思想独立境界’的归属权问题: 马克思和恩格斯在1875年强调过‘这个中间过渡境界’应该是一个客体世界,并且是运动化的,大众化的, 和生活化的。但批判实在论者则认定这个过渡世界是一个主体的,并且实意向化的,专属化的,和学术化的;

2. 那么,什么是学术研究?马克思受时代的一些限制,他将大量的时间和经历都用在阶级斗争和社会运动的策划上,对于研究范式的论述真的很少。而他的‘实践论’就等同于社会调研吧。然而,批判实在论突出强调‘语言学和其背后隐性机能的论调’,及其在构建世界中的重要性。研究,对于批判实在论者来说,更多的是一种对主客体世界的反馈性,反思性及批判性的认识;

我的研究路径: 在探讨高校学生志愿者‘自我导向劳动技能培养’背后的属性和机制时,我应该批判性地使用双重混合的研究途径,去对自我劳动技能的学习过程进行解释和澄清。我同时也应该用‘实践是检验真理的标准’这一准绳来将其投注于客体世界中进行检验。简言之,我应该真实地参与一个志愿者项目,并且创新性地理论策划一个和传统方法论不一样的方法来为我的研究服务,由此产生新知识。(Kilpaticks, 2010; Corden and Angela, 2004)

二、 详细论述部分 edit


1. 学术指导思想的相似处:

首先,两者的研究范式有着功能性的相似处。 对于马克思主义和批判实在论两者共同而言,做学术研究并不是用一种静止的,形式主义的,平缓的,组块化的‘模子’去套用和检验已经产生了的知识;而是需要调动人们(包含研究者和协助参与其中的其他人员)整体的主观能动性去发现并且创造新的知识 (万众创新)。 基于人们客体世界与物质材料的交互作用,‘实践’可将大家已经掌握的劳动技能和对社会现象的资本&阶级分析- 这些有层次的框架性认识落于实体。《德意志的思政论》在第167页曾经提过这样一种论调:‘物质世界第一导向的交互部分,是包含着物质性的活动,和基于这些活动之上人们的物质性交流’,从中我们的研究是可以着手开展的,而新的知识则又由这种研究范式而应运而生(虽然在理解‘intercourse’这个词时,西方世界可能会导向认同于物质交流是范性本能的论调,但这一论调最进步的一点是认同了世界交互部分的一个根源- 主客体世界之间的过渡部分是有物质的)(Hall, 2014; Feng, 2011; Lather, 1986; Edwards, 2014)。 其二,马克思主义者和批判实在论主义者都坚信混合主体元素和客体元素的‘过渡地带’在主体世界和客体世界之间是存在的,并将其纳入到自己的理论体系中。 尽管对于‘过渡地带’主要机能的归属权问题,这两者是有着分歧的。但就着承认‘过渡地带’的实在性这一点来说,这给了马克思主义与批判实在论很多改变,更新和合作的可能性。这种合作性的思考用在学术研究中,是可以产生新知识,创造新价值的。(补:这里,在知识深化而时空不同的今天,我要再说一点,马克思唯物观里,赞同主观能动性能改造世界的这一部分,也就承认了‘在一定可控渠道中’人们是可以用实践的方法‘挖掘’出路径并将主观精神力的元素,投注并做功于客体物质材料上,且保持其长存性。 这就是‘过渡地带’存在的依据。电子技术和信息技术的产生,也告诉我们不能把二元论绝对割裂,而是按照其比率的多少,由具体情况出发,逐层分析,筛去和过渡的。) 随后, 在对研究方法论水平上的探讨, ‘混合式’的研究根髓都应该被两者涉及并被应用于哲学的广泛实践之中。自下而上的实证搜罗论和自上而下的理论指导论都应该被配合起来,由具体情况而过渡性地设计进研究里;定量的数量论和定性的文学解释论都应该被配合起来,由具体情况过渡性地分析进研究里;实践论和文档搜索查阅论,都应该由具体情况出发过渡性地施用于研究过程之中。(Thomas, 2014; Kumar, 1999)

2. 学术指导思想的差异分析及展开:


这里着重介绍一下批判实在论。批判实在论对于它的归属权问题,给出了一个类似于后马克思主义‘实践固着主客交互’的理论模式,但是其中产阶级的唯心品味微调了过渡地带的导向性,并让这个答案更加倾向于主观方向。批判实在论在此开拓性地辟出一片由思想家们著作中的语辞及其背后的隐形论调所建构成的‘思想独立境界’。在这个‘思想独立境界’中对理论的觉解也可以直接对外‘做功’,并且直接影响客体世界,解决客体世界中产生的问题(自然科学的理论原型)和平衡人工世界中的矛盾关系(社会科学和人本论的理论原型)。它基于主客体世界,但对于主客体世界有着‘绝缘’的相对独立性,这给了学术研究更大的自由性,争辩性,经验性和保护性 – 换一句话说:‘是而非是’的辩驳有别于‘实事求是’的认同;批判性便体现于这之上。(Edwards,2014, pp.2-4) 其实,与批判实在论对比来看,在认同原马克思主义学说的社会主义者和共产主义者的二元论基调里, ‘第三世界’的存在 – 这一说法一直没有得到学术界的正式承认。他们将‘思想独立境界’整体纳入主观自我反思的境界中(心理主义者乐于叫它元认知,但没有像批判实在论者那样把语辞和论调看做其积淀,而且也没有统筹兼顾其物质和过渡属性;而是错位性地将其置于唯心论认知的较高处,来‘高屋建瓴’地指导,这也就‘曲高和寡’啦。这个故事以后有机会在另一篇论文中,我们再来论述)。反而,原马克思主义者更突出强调出经济基础和社会阶级斗争对于主观整体坍圮着的二维决定作用(Willmott,2010)。从马克思的论述中,学术活动是在主体世界的交互作用衔接部展开,并且指向主观世界深处人脑活动的技能性思维认知活动。而其根部是物质的客体,‘繁茂的果实’则作为新知识而‘盛开’在主观能动性的世界里。这样的觉解是有助于改变世界和推动人类文明进程的。(Lather,1986) 那么,对于研究- Research概念的界定,后马克思主义和批判实在论又有着什么不一样的观念呢? 简化两者之间那些繁琐而灵活的研究路径分析,我们会发现后马克思主义和批判实在论有许多不一样的观点,特别是在对研究概念的界定方面。传统马克思主义受时代的研究(当今被打开一些)强调‘实践’就等同于研究 。换言之,‘物质属性的人类活动是开展于主客体交互过渡世界的’,那么它就应该是研究了吧?这在一定程度上是可以固着研究路径的实体性,和产生新知识的实在性。(Marx, 1845)但,这也是有一定问题的,那就是一定程度上少了对知识本体的批判性和思维探究性。恰恰批判实在论可以互补地填补这一点缺失。正像Platenkamp & Botterill在2012年的论述中把批判实在论用在旅游学研究的应用,以及Sims-Schouten, Riley 和 Willig 在2013年著作中的发现:语言学里活跃在书面上的主体精神动能是可以被保持的,同时也记录了 ‘思想独立境界’中的理性基石。它们是可以通过语言,术语和其背后的论调分析来官能性地调动客体世界的探索。而二次文献调研则为其提供了方法论的依据。 (Platenkamp & Bottrill, 2012; Sims-Schouten, 2013; Edwards, 2014)

3. 马克思主义与批判实在论在研究根基上的比较 – 仅以本人此项研究中的论题寻找为范例来谈两种哲学在本体论和认知论上的应用

学术研究应该由现世世界的问题而发。怎么去回答这些问题并且什么样的方式,工具可以被用作作答的手段,这些经历就像英国著名童话故事‘爱丽丝梦游仙境’中的探险一般,耐人寻味。(Thomas, 2013, pp. 2-3)

首先,最令人满意的做法是在现世的主客体交互作用的过渡地带中定位研究论题。作为中国的一个年轻的共产主义者&马克思主义者,本人来到英国社会中,想要试图克服种种东西方价值取向中的矛盾,制衡两者的社会需要(对个人的),同时还要满足我自己在教育领域的兴趣;因此,这一论点是尤为重要的。 (Thomas, 2013, pp. 5-6) 虽然我是一个从中国大陆来的,思想体系中的主要部分是由马克思辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义构成的学习者(Norman,2011);但,‘从作为一个自由人的本性角度’来应用逻辑对我所面对着的世界进行质询和解释,这些作法无可厚非。(Hempel & Oppenheim, 2008) 我从来没有放弃过睁开双眼观察东方以外的世界,并接纳外面的新理论,知识和方法论。如果你让我来归因的话, 我的自我认同是: 渴望新知识是教育公正所能给予的一项基本人权。这需要被保护。进而,从马克思和恩格斯的先驱者著作《共产党宣言》和《德意志的思政论》来回顾,我们不难发现其初衷是要建立一个人人平等的社会。其间,每个人都能公正享有公共服务,而不是被某些国家所误导的‘阶级斗争’或者‘进口的民主’。这一平等是与西方一些国家对待本土居民的民主相一致的。(Taylor, 1967) 基于对这些理论在中英两国的学习,我更能体会批判实在论对我思想的启迪。在这个理论框架中,提到了整体的属性与机制是大于各个部分自有功能之和的。(Edwards, 2014) 它同时也强调了对个人‘思想独立境界’的自我反思性经验观察与实证体验是很必要的。特别是,这种途径对于整个社会来说,在切实地发现问题并将其解决于教育领域中是非常重要和安全的。(Edwards, 2012) 这点直接体现在我在英国做‘泛志愿者化背后的学习机制调研’的那个时期。其实,马克思主义也强调了整体机能大于部分之和的论断; 但究其根源,被归因于矛盾两端或矛盾着的双方相互依存和斗争的同一性。分布于社会之中,就是多维阶级嵌套的多重斗争和逐个团体间的博弈。在这个系统论中,只有那个能击败多方而彰显整体属性的阶级可以代表整体。多维坍缩后,一维斗争里,矛盾的制胜端可以赢得斗争‘游戏’,并彰显全盘主要功能。(Marx, 1844; Norman, 2011; Hindess, 2011; Miller, 2011) 完成理论层面的中心悖论探讨,我们来到本人现世中对自由经历经验化的获得。 由此,我们可以弄清楚到底什么在我的人生中值得被看做研究论题。这些由经验主义实证论所获得的论题必须由现世人生中的经历而来,并看做是马克思主义的‘实践’。或者,我们也可以用另一个原于心理学的术语 ‘交互作用’来描绘 (这是因为批判实在论是由‘及物媒介’和‘自思性反身’而调和的)。(Edwards, 2014) 经过这些思维加工之后,一个话题产生了: ‘劳动力和劳动技能’在马克思主义的陈述中是一个非常重要的术语。但,就我看来,在英国的志愿者实践却深深告诉我:一种类似于自我学习的机制是由 ‘教育’的本体,而非 ‘职业’的本体而产生。随后,一个挥之不去的问题就根深于我的脑海。我们可不可以这么说:志愿者过程自然为劳动技能学习,(它是不需要组织而自发存在却常存于组织框架内部的)。加入纽卡斯尔大学SCAN志愿者组织后,这份经历包含了社区里照看孩子,维修花园和蔬菜大棚和校园中办市场。 (SCAN, 2014) 在这份经历中,最引人注目的是,在我的世界里和我的眼中—英国,这个老牌的资本主义国家却没有展现它资本的一面 – 没有任何金钱交易性质的劳动出现,取而代之的是自发学习的劳动机制。从马克思主义的观念上来看(1844),我们经常可以叫这种社会形式 ‘共产主义社会’;而或,产品的 ‘由能力分配至按需分配’的社会类型。我们更可以命名这种现象 ‘公有制在多重世界中的反身自在’。 (Taylor, 1967)

4. 综述以上思辨性推导,用批判实在论和马克思主义双重视野来看我的世界,几个从研究根基中导出的论题可以被论述:


我们能认同这样的一种模式可以促进整个社会参与到志愿者劳动力;并且通过其,我们能不能进而促进代表着两个不同文明根源的社会类型自然而快速地过渡到人类最终的大同状态- 共产主义社会?(英国曾经在资本主义刚起步时,有过空想共产主义的尝试;而且马克思的终极社会梦想在遥远的未来也是共产主义社会) 我们能这样认为吗? 志愿者过程中,其本质是孕育着教育的自我学习机制 (并指向一种未来的理想社会状态);而劳动技能和公有制则应是整个人类社会的两个驱动器?

5. 而另一组在这个领域的亚问题是:



我们怎么能去深刻体悟它的亚因素? 高等院校在学生志愿者自我认知机制中到底扮演着什么样的作用,特别是他们在互补体力性质志愿劳动中的作用?

如果这些设想能够先用研究的方法论去检验和论证, 不论成败与否,新的知识将会以自下而上的搜罗汇总(马克思主义经验主义方法论)和自上而下的辐射(马克思主义和批判实在论双重根基的形式产生)。(popper, 2002; Hempel and Oppenheim, 1948, p.138) 。这也是对人类社会不同意识形态的贡献。

批判实在论的研究途径是马克思主义的必要补充,可以帮助其填补时代局限性: 批判实在论研究者很信任‘二手’研究资源,特别是那些文献材料中的信息 (从其他研究的文献综述中获取文字方面的二次研究,进而升华)。 基于此, 语言学的信息 – 如语言,背后的深藏论调,交流和文化的影响都被再度‘实践于’当世。我们可以想象一下:在批判实在论的‘思想独立境界’中, 那些上层建筑的砖石材料都是词汇,句子,和个人真实人生的返生体验, 并基于彼时彼地的人生阅历。(Edwards, 2014; Bonviliain, 2011) 批判实在论者把语辞看做交互作用着的人类 ‘经验类现象’;在其背后, 有着一个可以被分析的 ‘属性群集和机制’。这些 ‘属性群集和机制’是可以被联动式地、整体分层次地分析的。批判实在论者的一个非常重要的方法论就是通过实践语言 – 案例分析,采访和开放式的问卷调查来落实研究。 (Edwards, 2014; Edwards, et al., 2014; Bonvillain, 2011)


1. 运用批判实在论的途径来做关于志愿者‘二手’文献研究的调研,以此找到关键研究点 – ‘关于志愿者和公有制两者关系’的‘内在自我学习机制的因素分析与论证;

2. 从‘一手’资源 – 亲身加入一个志愿者组织中自下而上地、由马克思主义经验理论汇总出新知识,并将这些新知识转化成劳动技能,持续地应用于不同形式的实践中(在高等教育领域的多方位实体和虚拟环境中);

3. 做相关的社会访谈,问卷和实验 (社会实践)来检验这些汇总出来而再次辐射出去的,并结合持续的文献分析,实施定性和定量的分析;以便再次获取新知识;

4. 双向地用马克思主义和批判实在论来归纳和指导这些‘汇总’和 ‘辐射’出去的新知识的编撰;

5. 并由与时俱进地持续更新出发,把它们再次自发地投入到高等教育的志愿者组织中来展开新一轮的实践

三、 结语: edit

这个关于志愿者设置点(实体和虚拟)的研究是一个受志愿者们主观思想和客观社会环境影响的交互作用的过程。 马克思主义可以给予我‘第一手’搜集来的资源并告诉我到底怎样来真正地开展活动和改变双重世界;但由于其阶级和时空局限性,这个范式缺乏对‘思想独立境界层面’的深刻地,联动式地且分层阶地回溯和反思。而批判实在论用语言做了大量的理论模型,并探讨出了社会现象背后的属性,机能和关系。但不幸的是,批判实在论者只敢停留在‘思想独立境界里’,而没有自信去面对一个真实‘客体世界’的存在。 而这,正是马克思主义者所缺少的。如果我(我们)能做一个规划把两者不同的途径都统筹兼顾起来,一并投入到一个深刻的学术研究中,那么新知识就会如期而至。

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