Evidence-based assessment/Instruments/Young Mania Rating Scale

The Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS), developed by Vincent E Ziegler, M.D., and published and popularized by Robert Young, is an eleven-item interview that measures the severity of manic symptoms.[1] The scale was originally developed for use in the evaluation of adult patients with bipolar disorder, but has since been used in pediatric patients. It has become the most widely used outcome measure for manic symptoms in treatment studies. It also has been adapted for use as a questionnaire, potentially to use as a screening measure or diagnostic aid. The questionnaire has been studied with parents, teachers, and adolescents as respondents.[2] The YMRS has shown good reliability in each of the formats, and good validity, including sensitivity to treatment effects as an interview. The questionnaire versions have shown statistical validity, but meta-analyses have found that there are better alternatives available. and it has an extremely high false positive rate.[2][3]

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Wikipedia has more about this subject: Young Mania Rating Scale

Scoring and interpretation


Each question refers to specific aspects of the child’s behavior and mood the parent has witnessed in the past 24 hours.

  • For questions 1-4, 10, and 11: rate the person's behavior on a scale of 0 (the person did not experience or display the mood or behavior) to 4 (the person experienced or displayed the mood or behavior to a great degree)
  • For questions 5-9: rate the person's behavior on a scale from 0 (the person did not experience or display the mood or behavior) to 8 (the person experienced or displayed the mood or behavior to a great degree). The increased range for these items was based on Young's observation that these behaviors were rare and disruptive on an inpatient unit.

The scores from each question are added together to form a total score ranging from 0 to 60, with higher scores indicating a greater severity of symptoms.



  1. Young RC, Biggs JT, Ziegler VE, Meyer DA (Nov 1978). "A rating scale for mania: reliability, validity and sensitivity"Br J Psychiatry133 (5): 429–35. doi:10.1192/bjp.133.5.429PMID 728692.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Gracious, BL; Youngstrom, EA; Findling, RL; Calabrese, JR (November 2002). "Discriminative validity of a parent version of the Young Mania Rating Scale.". Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry41 (11): 1350–9. doi:10.1097/00004583-200211000-00017PMID 12410078.
  3. Marchand, WR; Clark, SC; Wirth, L; Simon, C (March 2005). "Validity of the parent young mania rating scale in a community mental health setting.". Psychiatry (Edgmont (Pa. : Township))2 (3): 31–35.PMID 21179627.