Evidence-based assessment/Assessment portfolios V2

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HGAPS Spring 2025: Mental Health and Resilience Resources for Squid Game
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Squid Game 2 had 68 million viewers on its launch -- that is a lot of people who might benefit from resources organized by themes in each episode. Check out this resource built by a team supported in part by a WMF Rapid Grant after season 1!
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Assessment Tool Kits (Portfolios) by topic or disorder

Toolkit Topic Category Age Group
Anorexia nervosa Health related Adolescent, Adult
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Externalizing/Disruptive Child, Adolescent

Autism spectrum disorder

Developmental/Cognitive Child, Adolescent
Bipolar disorder in adults Internalizing/Affective Adult
Bipolar disorder in youth Internalizing/Affective Child, Adolescent
Conduct disorder Externalizing/Disruptive Child, Adolescent
Depression in youth Internalizing/Affective Child, Adolescent
Generalized anxiety disorder Internalizing/Affective All
Self Harm Internalizing/Affective Adolescent, Adult
Obsessive-compulsive disorder Internalizing/Affective Adolescent, Adult
Oppositional defiant disorder Externalizing/Disruptive Child, Adolescent
Posttraumatic stress disorder Stressful events/Loss/Abuse/Trauma Child, Adolescent, Adult
Schizophrenia Developmental/Cognitive Adolescent, Adult
Simple phobia Internalizing/Affective All
Social anxiety disorder Internalizing/Affective All
Substance use disorder Risky Behavior/Impulse Control Adolescent, Adult

Description of a Portfolio


The portfolios are toolkits pulling together high-quality information and resources for evidence-based assessment. The goal is to make the material easy for clinicians to find and use. Each covers the following topics:

  • Benchmark rates in different settings,
  • Diagnostic criteria and considerations (ICD-11 diagnostic criteria),
  • Assessment resources, emphasizing the best free options when possible
  • Diagnostic interviews,
  • Progress measures, and
  • Outcome measures.

The materials also include administration information, psychometric data, scoring information, and links to the measures themselves. They are grouped as:

  1. Screening tools and assessments that can be done ahead of the first appointment
  2. Diagnostic interviews and deeper, focused assessments, often done during the assessment session
  3. Progress and Outcome measures, designed to measure change over the course of treatment

Overviews of resources for assessment and treatment


These are pages that review the diagnostic criteria, prevalence, evidence-based assessment, treatment, and resources for different issues.

Topic Assessment Links Treatment Links Resources Infographics Comments
Substance use Published at WJ Med!
Sleep problems
Bipolar disorder (youths)
Self harm
Asian culture, MH stigma H. Kim Honor's Thesis as start

Reviews and Meta-analyses


Start of updated meta-analysis of scales for bipolar disorder in youths is here.

Overviews of resources for assessment and treatment


These are pages that review the diagnostic criteria, prevalence, evidence-based assessment, treatment, and resources for different issues.

Instructions for Editing a Portfolio

  • All instances where you need to replace general phrases are noted by parentheses and are in bold. Ex. (insert portfolio name)
  • Anything marked by 4 asterisks is merely instructional and for your use when adapting the template to a real portfolio; any asterisked material should be deleted in your actual portfolio.
  • For example: "****Below are two examples of with what you should put in this table."
  • Make sure to delete this code in the final portfolio.

Beginning a New Portfolio

  • If you would like to create a new assessment portfolio that does not already exist then contact HGAPSclub@gmail.com for assistance.