Emergency Operation Centre GIS

Emergency Operation Centre GIS, (EOCGIS)


The goal of this project is to publish a cookbook style textbook called "Emergency Operation Centre GIS, (EOCGIS)". It is envisioned that this textbook will be used by students in a univeristy or college setting working towards a career in emergency management and Emergency Managers responsible for developing GIS capabilities within their emergency operation centre.

Administrative Information


Programs: <link to college/universitiy emergency management program name > Status: <link to technical/professional organizations accepting/approving/endorsing this textbook> Credit Value: < common definition needed here> Credit Value Notes < > Prerequisites: < link list > Corequisites: <link list> Equivalents: <link list here>

Typical Instructional Format Lecture: <42-56 hours>

Course Details


Detail Description

Program Context
This required course of the Emergency Management Program is essential to the program as it prepares students and emergency managers with critical information needed to understand the use of GIS within the emergency management context, to include the role "EOCGIS" into emergency operation plans/procedures and into the design of the emergency operation centre ...

Course Critical Performance and Learning Outcomes

Critical Performance:

By the end of this course, students will have demonstrated the ability to ...

Learning Outcomes:

To achieve the critical performance, students will have demonstrated the ability to:

  1. ...
  2. ...
  3. ...
  4. ...
  5. ...
  6. ...
  7. ...
  8. ...
  9. ...
  10. ...

Evaluation Plan

Students demonstrate their learning in the following ways:

  • Case studies
  • Procedures
  • Assignments
  • Simulations
  • On-line discussions
  • Tests
  • Other

Total = 100%

Evaluation Plan

Academic Procedure

Test and Assignment Protocal

Topic Outline


Module 1 <title> Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6

Module 1 <title> <number of hours/lectures>

Targeted outcomes

  1. ...
  2. ...
  3. ...
  4. ...
  5. ...

Module 2 <title > <number of hours/lectures>

Targeted outcomes

  1. ...
  2. ...
  3. ...
  4. ...
  5. ...

Module 3 <title> <number of hours/lectures>

Targeted outcomes

  1. ...
  2. ...
  3. ...
  4. ...
  5. ...

Module 4 <title> <number of hours/lectures>

Targeted outcomes

Module 5 <title> <number of hours/lectures>

Targeted outcomes

Module 6 <title> <number of hours/lectures>

Targeted outcomes