Ejump/Action Research/Action Research Planning

Action Researc Planning


This submodule is structured around the process of action research planning. Action research is an educational research focused primarily twards improvment of certain aspect of teaching practice. The Extended Study Guide contains all the the details about this submodule.

The planning will involve identification of the key developmental goals and research questions, research methodology and methods, addressing of research ethics, review of relevant literature and an activity plan. This process is supported through the use of the Action Research 2.0 Project Planning form (a template for writing the Action Research Planning Form).

Students in the nam (New Methods of Assessment) course are expected to work with problems related to assessment process.

The work is supposed to be accompanied by a number of moments when participants share their ideas and provide peer feedback to others in their social networking community.

Each participant should have support of a local supervisor organised by the local institution to provide one to one tuition and support.