Ejump/Action Research

Action Research Modul in nam (New Methods of Assessment) course


Action research is an educational research focused primarily towards improvment of certain aspect of teaching practice. The intention with this module is to provide an opportunity for students to implement the knowledge they have acquired from the other modules into practice using action research approach. Students are expected to work with problems related to assessment process.

The modul consists of two parts, Action Research Planning (2.5 ECTS) and Action Research project (5 ECTS). The planning involves identification of the key developmental goals and research questions, research methodology and methods, addressing of research ethics, review of relevant literature and creating an activity plan. The final report for the project should describe the actual implementation of the plan, present the reflections and conclusions on the results obtained and give directions for future research.

Participants in the course are encouraged to share their ideas and provide peer feedback to others in their social networking community. Each participant should have the support of a local supervisor organised by the local institution to provide one to one tuition and support.


  1. Extended Study Guide (Study Guide for Action Research Planning part)
  2. Action Research Project Guide (Study Guide for Action Research Project part)
  3. Action Research Planning Form (A template for writing the Action Research Planning)
  4. AR Planning Assessment Grid (A template for assessing the Action Research Planning)
  5. AR Project Assessment Grid (A template for assessing Action Research Final Reports)
  6. Students' work (Samples of Action Research Planning Form and Action Research Final Reports)
