ESL for Primary School

Welcome to English as a Second Language for children, part of the English Language Division.

Content summary


Participants teach English as a Second Language in a classroom or tutoring environment to primary school aged students with a primary language other than English.



Naming Common Objects and food- learn names of common household and classroom objects as well as foods. Show pictures representation when learning the name.

Lessons in ESL for Primary School
Introduction You are here!
Lesson Title Objective
1 What's your name? Students learn how to introduce themselves, ask for a partner's name and give their own name in English.
2 Colours Students learn basic colour names in English.
3 Body parts Students learn the names of some of the parts of the body.
4 Numbers: 1 - 12 Students learn the names of numbers in English.
5 Alphabet Students learn the alphabet in English.
6 Vocabulary review Students revise the vocabulary that they have learnt so far.
Contact your instructor
Your primary instructor for foreign language instruction is Laserenite.

For Younger Students Activities that are especially well-suited for younger students or for absolute beginners.

See also: the Lesson plan template.

Note: These 'lessons' may be carried out over more than one session in the classroom. They also include suggestions for activities that could be useful for each theme, or adapted to other themes.


Teaching Without Training
Native English speakers often find themselves in the situation of being responsible to teach English as a Second Language with little or no training in teaching. These materials are intended to help ESL teachers in primary school classrooms.
A Place to Start
This is not a comprehensive teacher training course, and the lessons plans are not definite or set in stone. They are intended only to give a starting point and a few ideas to help you design your own lesson plans.
Rich Resources
The Internet is amazingly rich in resources for the ESL teacher, so much so that it can be somewhat overwhelming. On the other hand, it is great for idea-generating: when you are developing a lesson plan, google ESL and your topic, and you'll have lots of ideas to work with.
Learning Curve
To me two of the most important things in teaching are preparation and flexibility: you need to be prepared, and you need to be flexible enough to forget everything you've prepared.

Ideal Students

For ESL teachers in primary classrooms or ESL tutors
These lessons and ideas are for teachers and tutors of 8-12 year old ESL learners.
Teaching your native language
This course is especially for Native English speakers who are teaching in a primary level classroom with little or no formal teacher training.
Teaching is learning
Honestly, I think I learn at least as much from my students as they learn from me. So let us all be students as well as teachers, and learn from our students and from each other.





Feel free to add ideas of activities that have worked for you.

Enriching Activities


These activities may prove helpful if you have to teach "special" English classes - ie. extra English lessons for those who want to learn more than is required by the curriculum.

  • Working in teams, choose (a country) and create a poster about (a country) using pictures (drawn or photocopied) and words/ sentences that occurs to you when you think of that (country). Write them down with accompanying pictures and present the poster to the class. Be creative!
  • Choose a book to read from a selection. Look up words you do not understand. Take the book home. After practising for a week, read the book aloud to the class. Be aware of your pronunciation. You must be able to explain/translate if a student in the class does not understand a sentence or a word.
  • Find the meaning of the words (found in a specific book) in the vocabulary list in the English dictionary. Listen to this book being read out aloud. In sentences, answer simple questions about each chapter.
  • Imagine you have magic powers. What would it be? Why? Write it down in sentences, get it checked, and present your thoughts to the class.
  • Working in teams, imagine you own a shop. What kind of shop is it? What would you sell? Make a poster of your shop using pictures and words. Present the poster to the class.
  • Think of your favorite sport. Now, compare yourself to one of your favorite athletes in that sport. Write about how you look different, who would win if you had to play each other, and why that person is one of your favorite athletes.
  • Think of your ideal vacation. What is it? Where would you go? Write a short essay on your ideal vacation. Submit it for grammar and spelling checks. Practise saying it out loud then present to class.

Active participants


Active participants in this Learning Group

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Learning Project Summary

  • Suggested Prerequisites: You speak English and want to teach it.
  • Time investment: The more time you put in, the more your students get out of it.
  • Assessment suggestions: Don't worry, your students will let you know what works and what doesn't!
  • School: "Foreign Languages" is the Division for now, but should it go in Education instead?
  • Departments: English as a Second Language
  • Stream: "English as a Second Language"
  • Level:: Primary School