Digital Media Concepts/Super Smash Bros. (series)

Super Smash Bros. is a series of fighting games created by Masahiro Sakurai (Former developer at HAL Laboratory and creator of the Kirby franchise) and published by Nintendo. The game is a crossover between numerous Nintendo franchises (Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Pokémon, Kirby, Star Fox, Metroid, etc) as well as several third-party characters. The series is notable for differentiating itself from standard fighting games in terms of gameplay and mode variety. It also spawns a cultural following among competitive players.

Logo used for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate



Super Smash Bros. is a platform fighter; combining elements from both fighting and platform gameplay. Unlike most fighting games, the objective to winning a match is different. Rather than having an HP bar, players have a damage meter represented by numbers being displayed. With each hit the player takes, their damage percentage goes up. Once it almost reaches at 100%, players will get get easily launched. The objective is to launch opponents off the stage. If the players find themselves falling, they can use recovering methods to get back on stage, otherwise knockback could affect their chances. (Commonly, players would use a method known as edgeguarding; a method that involves keeping their recovering opponents from reaching the stage).

The controls of the game are simplified. Players have two buttons, one for attacking and another for using special moves. In addition, they can perform direction moves for both standard and special moves. They also have a powerful move called Smash Attacks, in which they can hold the attack button and direction input together to unleash a strong attack.

The game also utilizes the use of Items. Items spawn in during matches and they grant different abilities such as weaponry and transformations. The spawn rate for these items can be enabled or disabled for the player's liking.

Players can engage into a variety of rulesets that change the overall objectives. Timed Battles involve players getting the most KOs under a limited amount of time. Stock Battles have players are given a set number of lives. Whichever player runs out of lives are out of the match. If the match ends with a tie, then players can only settle in Sudden Death; where anyone that's tied become easier to launch. The last fighter that's standing in Sudden Death wins.

Playable Characters


As of the latest title; there are overall 80+ characters in the series, all hailing from many gaming franchises. In addition to playable characters, there are non-playable characters that either appear as part of a character's move set, stage element, Assist Trophy, and even bosses. Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U introduces the option to create a fighter using the digital avatars; Mii Characters.

Down below, the fighters are arranged by the order in which they join the roster, according to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's character select screen.

(NOTE: The Echo Fighters are added in which they were announced, whereas in the actual game, they are placed next to the fighter they're based on.)

Introduced in Super Smash Bros.

  • Mario (Super Mario)
  • Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong)
  • Link (The Legend of Zelda)
  • Samus (Metroid)
  • Yoshi (Yoshi's Island)
  • Kirby (Kirby)
  • Fox (Star Fox)
  • Pikachu (Pokémon)
  • Luigi (Super Mario)
  • Ness (Earthbound)
  • Captain Falcon (F-Zero)
  • Jigglypuff (Pokémon)

Introduced in Super Smash Bros. Melee

  • Peach (Super Mario)
  • Bowser (Super Mario)
  • Ice Climbers (Ice Climbers)
  • Zelda ↔ Sheik (The Legend of Zelda)
  • Dr. Mario (Super Mario)
  • Pichu (Pokémon)
  • Falco (Star Fox)
  • Marth (Fire Emblem)
  • Young Link (The Legend of Zelda)
  • Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda)
  • Mewtwo (Pokémon)
  • Roy (Fire Emblem: The Blinding Blade)
  • Mr. Game & Watch (Game & Watch)

Introduced in Super Smash Bros. Brawl

  • Meta Knight (Kirby)
  • Pit (Kid Icarus)
  • Zero Suit Samus (Metroid)
  • Wario (Wario series)
  • Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
  • Ike (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
  • Pokémon Trainer (Squirtle ⇒ Ivysaur ⇒ Charizard) (Pokémon)
  • Diddy Kong (Donkey Kong)
  • Lucas (Mother 3)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • King Dedede (Kirby)
  • Olimar (Pikmin)
  • Lucario (Pokémon)
  • R.O.B (NES)
  • Toon Link (The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker)
  • Wolf (Star Fox)

Introduced in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U

  • Villager (Animal Crossing)
  • Mega Man
  • Wii Fit Trainer (Wii Fit)
  • Rosalina & Luma (Super Mario)
  • Little Mac (Punch-Out!)
  • Greninja (Pokémon)
  • Mii Fighters (Mii Brawler / Mii Swordfighter / Mii Gunner)(Mii)
  • Palutena (Kid Icarus)
  • Dark Pit (ε) (Kid Icarus)
  • Pac-Man
  • Robin (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
  • Lucina (ε) (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
  • Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles)
  • Bowser Jr. (Super Mario)
  • Duck Hunt (NES Light Gun)
  • Ryu (Street Fighter)
  • Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII)
  • Corrin (Fire Emblem Fates)
  • Bayonetta (Bayonetta)

Introduced in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

  • Inkling (Splatoon)
  • Daisy (ε) (Super Mario)
  • Ridley (Metroid)
  • Simon Belmont (Castlevania)
  • Richter Belmont (ε) (Castlevania)
  • Chrom (ε) (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
  • Dark Samus (ε) (Metroid)
  • King K. Rool (Donkey Kong)
  • Isabelle (Animal Crossing)
  • Ken (ε) (Street Fighter)
  • Incineroar (Pokémon)
  • Piranha Plant (Super Mario)
  • Joker (Persona 5)
  • Hero (Dragon Quest)
  • Banjo & Kazooie (Banjo-Kazooie)
  • Terry Bogard (Fatal Fury)
  • Byleth (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
  • Min Min (ARMS)
  • Steve (Minecraft)
  • Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
  • Pyra ↔ Mythra (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
  • Kazuya Mishima (Tekken)
  • Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
  • ↔: Zelda and Sheik were a two-in-one character in Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. They had the ability to switch between each other mid-battle using their down special. Since Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U, They both became separate characters. Pyra and Mythra are very similar in that regard.
  • ⇒: While Pokémon Trainer does not directly fight, he can contribute by switching the Pokémon that's currently battling. In the order it goes: From Squirtle to Ivysaur and finally Charizard. However; in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U, Charizard is the only Pokémon of the three to return while Pokémon Trainer, Squirtle and Ivysaur are cut. All three made their return in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, once again utilizing their switch mechanic.
  • (ε): Echo Fighters are a term introduced in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. They refer to certain fighters (otherwise known as clones) that share a moveset with another existing fighter.
  • Certain Characters possesses an alternate costume that changes the character into a different character. These include Olimar, who has Alph, Bowser. Jr., who has the seven Koopalings, Hero (Whose default skin is the protagonist of Dragon Quest XI) has other series protagonists, and Steve, who has Alex, Zombie and Enderman. There are other costumes that changes a certain character's gender. These includes Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, Robin, Corrin, Inkling, Pokémon Trainer, and Byleth. While the costumes alternate the character's appearance entirely, they're a cosmetic change that doesn't affect gameplay, save for a few instances where they are treated as their own character.

History and Development


The original game was developed by HAL Laboratory in 1998. The game started out as a prototype titled Dragon King: The Fighting Game [1], in which Masahiro Sakurai and Satoru Iwata made in their spare time. During the development process, the prototype featured characters all with a similar build. Sakurai felt that games for home console would need better depth to captivate its audiences. It was then his co-worker suggested that adding in elements from multiple Nintendo franchises for intentions with marketing for the company. Sakurai then scrapped most of the original concepts and remake them into a successful crossover title that would soon spawn into a series of games with future installments.

1998-1999: Super Smash Bros.


Super Smash Bros. made its debut in 1999 on the Nintendo 64 system. After selling a million copies in Japan, the game was released worldwide. The game had a notably small roster at the time with eight characters (Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, Samus, Yoshi, Kirby, Fox, and Pikachu) available in the start and four characters (Luigi, Ness, Captain Falcon, and Jigglypuff) that are unlockable, totaling in twelve characters. All twelve characters would be known as "The Original 12" or "Perfect Attendance Crew" as they would go on to appear in every title in the series, making the original title to not have any characters cut.

The game can be played up to four players in Versus Mode. Players can select a ruleset while in the character select screen.

There is a single-player known as "Classic Mode", where the player must go through a route where the fight against a pre-determined set of opponents. Players can also engage in other modes such as Break the Targets and Board the Platforms.

2000-2004: Super Smash Bros. Melee


Released on the Nintendo Gamecube in the Early 2000s, the second game in the series sees a huge improvement over the original game. The character roster has doubled, with having 26 characters. In addition to Classic Mode, the game introduces Adventure Mode, where player goes through platformer-style levels and reach the goal, and All-Star Mode, where players battle every playable fighter. The series also introduces Home-Run Contest, a mode which you launch the Sandbag with the Home-Run bat. This mode would go onto appear in future titles.

The game introduces a form of collectable known as Trophies (called Figures in Japanese). Many of them are models of various characters (both playable and non-playable) from many Nintendo series. Over 200+ trophies are available to collect.

Among the recognizable characters, Super Smash Bros. Melee would be the first game to introduce the Fire Emblem series to western audiences. Marth from the original title, (which at the time, hasn't been released in the West) would debut in this game. Another Fire Emblem character debuted here is Roy from Fire Emblem: The Blinding Blade. Notably, Roy appears in Super Smash Bros. Melee prior to the release of his debut game, making him the first character on the roster to do so.

2005-2010: Super Smash Bros. Brawl


Satoru Iwata had announced a brand new title in the series in development for Nintendo's next console (Later revealed to be the Wii) during a pre-E3 2005 press conference, in hopes the game would be at launch with Wi-Fi compatibility for Online play. The game is developed by Sora Ltd.; a company formed by Masahiro Sakurai after he had left HAL Laboratory. Sakurai would go on to continue to develop the series under the Sora Ltd. name.

At E3 2006, the game was given a teaser trailer, which announces several newcomers, including Metal Gear Solid's Snake. Creator of the Metal gear series; Hideo Kojima requested for Snake's inclusion. When asked about this decision, Kojima stated that he loved playing Super Smash Bros. with his son, who asked Kojima to put Snake in Brawl. Kojima also notes about the lack of Metal Gear games on Nintendo consoles serving as part of his reason to put Snake in Smash.

Following the E3 announcement, Masahiro Sakurai had created a website known as the Smash Bros. Dojo!! Which allows him to post weekly news regarding the development of the game. These varies from how to play the game, stages, music, items, and occasionally new characters.

On October 10th, 2007; Nintendo unveils a brand new trailer that reveals Sonic the Hedgehog as a playable character. However due to the decision being made last-minute, the game had been delayed until next year. [2]

Super Smash Bros. Brawl is notable for introducing Final Smashes; A powerful special move designated for each character. The game is the first in the series to implement online gameplay.

Among the modes that are available, this game introduces Subspace Emissary; a adventure mode where players venture in rogue-like gameplay with side-scrolling elements and boss battles. It is similar to the Adventure Mode from Super Smash Bros. Melee, except it offers an in-depth story with CGI cutscenes.

One of the newcomers; Pit from the Kid Icarus series was given a unique redesign for this game as opposed to how he originally appeared. This design went on to become the basis of his design in Kid Icarus: Uprising; a game that Sakurai would later go on to develop. Additionally, Pit's black alternate costume would later become the basis of Dark Pit; who would debut in that game as well.

2011-2014: Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U


In E3 2011 on June 2011, Masahiro Sakurai first announced a new title in the series planned for the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U systems. Sakurai started the development of the game after completing his previous project; Kid Icarus Uprising in 2012. It was later revealed that the title will be co-developed by Bandai-Namco. Many of the staff who worked on the Soul Calibur and Tekken series are involved with assisting Sakurai.

In June 11, 2013; the game was announced at E3 2013 during a Nintendo Direct presentation (which became the standard for any news update regarding the series). Just like in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Nintendo puts up a website that gets updated with news and information. Alongside confirmation news, cinematic trailers were released; showcasing brand new characters that get announced. After the game released on October 3, 2014 (3DS) and November 21, 2014 (Wii U), it was announced that the game will be receiving downloadable content, with the first content being the Miiverse stage and the fighter Mewtwo. This marks the first game to have content released post-launch.

For the first time in the series, up to eight players can play in the same match in the Wii U version. However, certain stages are enabled to accommodate the number of players.

Sakurai addresses the differences between the handheld and console versions of the game. While the character roster was the same, the limits of both consoles would lead to various design choices, specifically due to the Nintendo 3DS hardware. These include mid-match transformations, the absence of the Ice Climbers and lack of Circle Pad pro support.

Downloadable contents includes Mewtwo, Lucas, and Roy, all who return from Melee and Brawl, respectfully. Newcomers include; Ryu, Cloud, Corrin, and Bayonetta. All of the four new fighters also come with a stage and a number of music tracks. (In the case of Corrin, he only gets two music tracks but no stage). In addition, there are also downloadable costumes for Mii Fighters.

During the development of DLC, The official website adds in a section called the "Smash Bros. Fighter Ballot"; which allows fans to vote for a character to appear in the game. Not only does it determine characters in this game but in future titles as well. On December 15, 2015, it was officially announced that Bayonetta is the winner.

2015-18: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


Shortly after the development of DLC had finished, Sakurai went on to develop the next title. The game was first teased in a Nintendo Direct on March 8, 2018. [3] Sakurai stated that he's been working on the project in silence. On E3 2018, the game was fully revealed in the June 18, 2018, barring the name "Ultimate". The game's first trailer with gameplay reveals that every character who has been playable will make their return. On the same day of the game's announcement, a tournament at E3 was hosted, where select players partake in tournament, playing the game for the first time. This event was broadcasted on Youtube and Twitch. The game would be released on December 7, 2018.

One of the changes for multiplayer gameplay is the Rule Selection. Players can now create a ruleset option that is more convenient before choosing a stage and character as opposed to prior games where the Rules can be changed while in the Character Select Screen. Stage selection now comes before fighter selection, allowing players to pick a fighter well-suited for the stage.

In terms of collectables, players collect a brand new type known as Spirits, as they replace trophies. Spirits are non-playable characters from many of the series in Smash that aid the fighter in battle). They also play a pivotal role in a story mode known as "World of Light", where players explore a world and battle spirits to take on the main antagonist; Galeem. Spirits can also be used in multiplayer modes.

The game receives a "universal critical acclaim" from critics and scored 93 out 100. One year later, the game received an award for "Best Fighting Game" in The Game Awards 2019. It was nominated for Game of the Year but lost to Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.

Just like in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U, the game receives post-launch content, with one of them being Piranha Plant as a fighter. Piranha Plant was originally released as a pre-order bonus, until later it was released as paid DLC. Nintendo would release a set of DLC known as "Fighters Pass". Each of these individual "Challenger's Pack" is comprised of one fighter, one stage, and a variable number of music tracks. The first Fighters Pass DLC released with five challenger packs, being Joker, Hero, Banjo & Kazooie, Terry, and Byleth. The second Fighters Pass would be released after that, this time with six fighters being Min Min, Steve, Sephiroth, Pyra/Mythra, Kazuya, and Sora. Notably, Sora was the true winner of the aforementioned Fighters Ballot, however Sakurai stated that the development team needed to negotiate with Disney and Square Enix to use Sora for the game.



Masahiro Sakurai is uncertain about the future of the series. Currently there are no plans for any titles after Ultimate.



In addition to default controllers, the series features options for different controllers for the players liking.

Nintendo 64 controller


The default controller for the original game. A wireless version of the controller was released on October 2021 for the Nintendo Switch.

Gamecube Controller


The default controller used to play Melee. The Wii console is compatible with the Gamecube controller, meaning the player is able to play Super Smash Bros. Brawl as well as the Virtual Console release of Super Smash Bros. The controller is also compatible with Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, However the controller must be connected through an USB adapter.

The Gamecube Controller is also supported in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Just like the Wii U, a USB adapter must be used. However, the Nintendo Switch will recognize it as a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller. This also applies to games outside of Ultimate.

Wii Remote (and Nunchuck)


The Wii Remote is one of the options of playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. With the nunchuck accessory, the game maps the nunchuck as the movement while the Wii Remote is assigned for attacks and miscellaneous actions. The player can also use the Wii Remote sideways like a normal controller.

Wii Classic Controller


A controller used for Super Smash Bros. Brawl. It functions similar to the Gamecube Controller in terms of effectiveness in gameplay.

Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons


The controller for the Nintendo Switch and default controller scheme for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Joy-Cons can be played by being docked into the handheld system or the onto the console's dock, which switches the game to be played on the TV. The Joy-Cons can be detached and played sideways like the Wii Remote. The mapping of the buttons depends on how the Joy-Con is set.

Nintendo Switch Pro Controller


A controller for the Nintendo Switch that functions similarly to the Wii Classic Controller. Unlike the Classic Controller, the Pro Controller has near-field communication, functionality.



Amiibo are a series of figurines used in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U and Ultimate, as well as a variety of Nintendo-related games. The figurines started releasing after the release of Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U, though initially the 3DS version wasn't compatible until an update. The lineup of the figures are comprised of every playable character in the game. The lineup extends in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which not only features the newcomers but also characters who were absent in previous titles. In the Smash series, scanning the figures will spawn in a FP (Figure Player). An FP is a computer-controlled fighter that fights on their own. Players can train the FP to battle. As it does, it'll level up. The FP learns how to adapt in battle as they continue to level up.


Official Website


  1. Life, Nintendo (2022-10-20). "Sakurai Shares First Ever Footage Of Dragon King, The N64 Smash Bros. Prototype". Nintendo Life. Retrieved 2023-10-09.
  2. Src=', <img Data-Lazy-Fallback="1" Alt=; #038;d=mm; Srcset=', #038;r=g'; #038;d=mm; PushDustIn, #038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-250 photo' height='250' width='250' loading='lazy' decoding='async' /> (2016-07-24). "Sonic the Hedgehog Joins the Battle!!". Source Gaming. Retrieved 2023-10-09.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  3. "Super Smash Bros. announced for Nintendo Switch". 2018-03-09. Retrieved 2023-10-10.