Department of Occupational and Environmental Health Sciences, University of Panamá/Ramazzinni Center Panamá RCP/Statutes of the Ramazzinni Center Panamá (RCP)

Statutes of the Ramazzinni Center Panamá RCP

Ramazzinni Center Panamá participants

  • Agnes Flores
  • Angel Gutierrez,
  • Olaf Jensen,
  • Adya Mitchel Correa
  • Cynthia Pinzon
  • Thania Aguilar,



The aim is to deliver research results at a high international level that can promote the work of occupational medicine to the benefit of the region's citizens and nationally as well as internationally.

Board of Directors


The center's top decision-making authority is the board. The board consists of the associated researchers.

Center coordinator

  • The Board of Directors selects the Center coordinator for 1 year to be reelected at the annual Board meeting in August
  • 1-2 board meetings are held annually
  • The Center Coordinator is responsible for convening the Board meetings
  • The function as center coordinator is performed by Agnes Flores

Advisory Committee


Representatives from partners in unions, ministries, Maritime Authority and CSS are invited



In collaboration with the Center Coordinator, the Board sets objectives for which research areas should be prioritized and what results are expected to come out of research in these areas.

Evaluation of the center's activities


The Board of Directors understands every five years an evaluation of the center's activities The Center Coordinator submits an annual report to the Board at the end of December.

Financial Accounting


No separate accounts are made for the center as the economy is placed with each of the participants. location The center coordinator is physically located at CSS



The primary resource for the Center's activity is the existing resources from individual participants and from national and international research foundations.

Indication of PRC on publications


Publications starting from the PRC are listed as follows: Own institution (ex CSS), Ramazzinni Center Panamá RCP

Annual Status Report


The Center Coordinator is responsible for annually preparing a status report which is approved by the Board of Directors. The progress report should include a brief account of last year's results.

Signatures and dates

  • Agnes Flores
  • Angel Gutierrez,
  • Olaf Jensen,
  • Adya Mitchel Correa
  • Cynthia Pinzon
  • Thania Aguilar