

Chain and cycle are mathematical objects studied in Complex Analysis but also appear as special cases in Algebraic topology. A chain generalizes a curve, and a cycle generalizes a closed curve. They are primarily used in integration in complex analysis.





A chain on a set   is defined as a finite integer linear combination of paths  :  .   are generally continuous Curve in  .

Integration over a chain


Let   be integrable, and let   be a chain of piecewise continuously differentiable paths (paths of integration)   in  . The integral over the chain   is defined by:


Definition: Cycle


Version 1: A cycle is a chain  , where every point   appears as the starting point as many times as it appears as the endpoint of the curves  , taking multiplicities   into account.

Version 2: A cycle is a chain   consisting of closed paths  .

Connection Between Version 1 and Version 2


Version 2 is essential for complex analysis. Based on the properties of Version 1, any cycle   can be transformed into a chain   of closed paths  . If the paths   are piecewise continuously differentiable, then the closed paths   are also continuously differentiable. For all holomorphic functions  , it holds that:  .

Trace of a path


The trace of a path   is defined as:  .

Trace of a cycle/chain


The trace of a chain   is the union of the Image (mathematics) of its individual curves, i.e.:  . If   is a subset of  , then   is called a cycle in   if and only if the trace   lies in  .

Winding number


The Winding number is defined analogously to that of a closed curve but uses the integral defined above. For  , it is given by:  .

Interior points of a cycle


The interior of a cycle consists of all points for which the winding number is non-zero:  .

Exterior points of a cycle


Analogously, the exterior is the set of points for which the winding number is zero:  .

zero-homologous cycle


A cycle is called null-homologous for a set   if and only if the interior   lies entirely within  . This is equivalent to the winding number vanishing for all points in  .

Homologous cycles


Two cycles  ,   are called homologous in   if and only if their formal difference   is null-homologous in  .

Integral Theorems


Chains and cycles are important in complex analysis because, as mentioned, they generalize curve integrals. In particular, the integral over a cycle generalizes the closed curve integral. The Cauchy's integral theorem, the Cauchy's integral formula, and the Residue theorem can be proven for cycles.

Relation to Homology Theory


To indicate that chains and cycles are special cases of objects in Homology (mathematics) of algebraic topology, they are sometimes referred to as 1-chains and 1-cycles.[1]. In algebraic topology, the term 1-cycle or p-cycle is commonly used instead of cycle.[2].

Embedding in Homology Theory


The terms chain and cycle are special cases of Mathematical object in topology. In Algebraic topology, one considers complexes of p-chains and constructs Homology (mathematics) from them. These groups are Invariant (mathematics) in topology. A very important Homology (mathematics) is that of Singular homology.

1-Chain of the Singular Complex


A chain, as defined here, is a 1-chain of the Singular homology, which is a specific chain complex. The operator defined in the section on cycles,  , is the first boundary operator of the singular complex. The group of divisors is therefore identical to the group of 0-chains. The group of cycles, defined as the kernel of the boundary operator  , is a 1-Chain complex in the sense of the singular complex.

Algebraic Topology


In algebraic topology, one considers both the kernel of the boundary operator and the image of this operator, constructing a corresponding homology group from these two sets. In the case of the singular complex, one obtains Singular homology. In this context, the previously defined terms homologous chain and null-homologous chain take on a more abstract meaning.

See also



  Subject classification: this is a literature resource.

Otto Forster: Riemann surfaces, Springer 1977; English edition: Lectures on Riemann surfaces, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, 1991, ISBN 3-540-90617-7, Chapter 20


  1. Otto Forster: Riemann surfaces, Springer 1977; English edition: Lectures on Riemann surfaces, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, 1991, ISBN 3-540-90617-7, Chapter 20
  2. Wolfgang Lück: Algebraische Topologie : Homologie und Mannigfaltigkeiten. Vieweg, 2005

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