

In the Mathematics a curve (of lat. curvus for "bent", "curved") is a one dimensionals object in a two-dimensional plane (i.e. a curve in the plane) or in a higher-dimensional space.

Parameter representations

  • Multidimensional analysis: A continuous mapping   is a curve in the  .
  • Complex Analysis: Continuous mapping   is a path in   (see also path for integration).

Explanatory notes


A curve/a way is a mapping. It is necessary to distinguish the track of the path or the image of a path from the mapping graph. A path is a steady mapping of a interval in the space considered (e.g.   or  ).

Example 1 - Plot



Example 1 Curve as a solution of an algebraic equation



    resp.  .

Determine for the curve all   with  

Examples 2


The mapping


describes the Unit circle in the plane  .


describes the Unit circle in the Gaussian number level  .

Examples 3


The mapping


describes a curve with a simple double point at  , corresponding to the parameter values   and  .



As a result of the parameter representation, the curve receives a directional direction in the direction of increasing parameter.[1][2]

Curve as Image of Path


Let   or   be a path. is the image of a path


Difference - Graph und Curve


For a curve   the Supr or curve is a subset of  , while the graph of function   is.

Task - Plot Graph und Curve


use CAS4Wiki  :


Animation of the track



Curves in Geogebra


First create a slider for the variable   and two points   or   and generate with   the sum of both location vectors of   and  . Analyze the parameterization of the curves.

Geogebra - Interactive Implementation


Create a value slider in Geogebra with the variable name   and create the following 3 points step by step in the command line of Geogebra and move the value slider for   after that.

  K_1:(2*cos(t),2 * sin(t)) 
  K: K_1+K_2 

The construction about will create an interactive representation of the the follow path  . Observe the point   in Geogebra.


See also interaktive Example in Geogebra

Representations of Image Sets by Equations


A curve can also be described by one or more equations in the coordinates. The solution of the equations represents the curve:

  • The equation   describes the unit circle in the plane.
  • The equation   describes the curve indicated above in parameter representation with double point.

If the equation is given by a Polynomial, the curve is called algebraic.

Graph of a function


Functiongraphs are a special case of the two forms indicated above: The graph of a function


can be either as a parameter representation   or as equation  , wherein the solution quantity of the equation represents the curve by  . If theMathematics education of Curve sketching is spoken, this special case is usually only said.

Closed curves


Closed curves   are continuous mappings with  . In the function theory, we need curves   in  , which can be continuously differentiated. These are called integration paths.

Number of circulations in the complex numbers


Smooth closed curves can be assigned a further number, thenumber of revolutions, which curve is parameterized according to the arc curve   by


is given. The circulation theorem analogously to a curve in  , states that a simple closed curve has the number of revolutions   or  .

Curves as Independent Objects


Curves without an ambient space are relatively uninteresting in w:en:Differential Geometry because every one-dimensional manifold is diffeomorphic to the real line   or to the unit circle  . Also, properties like the curvature of a curve are intrinsically undetectable.

In algebraic geometry and, correspondingly, in complex analysis, "curves" typically refer to one-dimensional complex manifolds, often also called Riemann surfaces. These curves are independent objects of study, with the most prominent example being elliptic curves. See curve (algebraic geometry)



The first book of Elements by Euclid began with the definition:

"A point is that which has no parts. A curve is a length without breadth."

This definition can no longer be upheld today because, for example, there are Peano curves, i.e., continuous surjective mappings   that fill the entire plane  . On the other hand, the Sard's Lemma implies that every differentiable curve has zero area, i.e., as Euclid demanded, it truly has no breadth.

Interactive Representations of Curves in GeoGebra

  • Tangent vector of a curve in   for a curve   with tangent vector  

See also



  • Ethan D. Bloch: A First Course in Geometric Topology and Differential Geometry. Birkhäuser, Boston 1997.
  • Wilhelm Klingenberg: A Course in Differential Geometry. Springer, New York 1978.


  1. H. Neunzert, W.G. Eschmann, A. Blickensdörfer-Ehlers, K. Schelkes: Analysis 2: Mit einer Einführung in die Vektor- und Matrizenrechnung. Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch. 2. Auflage. Springer, 2013, lSBN 978-3-642-97840-1, 23.5
  2. H. Wörle, H.-J. Rumpf, J. Erven: Taschenbuch der Mathematics. 12. Auflage. Walter de Gruyter, 1994, lSBN 978-3-486-78544-9

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