CisLunarFreighter/UML case diagrams

Use Cases for CisLunarFreighter learning project.

A standard form of use cases have a title, preconditions, steps, postconditions, who benefits.

MUD operator


Install the central seed client necessary to coordinate applet activity


  • Seed must work at x level, distribution developed, and tested incrementally so crashes of operator's environment are rare.
  1. Find or develop Java MUD server and client classes adequate for initial login and security requirements.
  2. Install and test on project developers servers and machines
  3. Test it with jFreeRail and CisLunarFreighter applets
  4. Package the releases for easy install and publish at SourceForge
  5. Begin modding and importing new applets after rigorous code walkthroughs and testing.


  • Feedback
  • Bug reports.

Actors who benefit. Players, Developers, Modders, Mud Operators



Download, play, feedback.

Pre Conditions: PreAlpha is ready for incremental testing

  1. Hear about game environment and decide to try it out
  2. Download from Sourceforce and install
  3. Beginner's orientation or interface is intuitive
  4. Begin playing/learning
  5. Provide suggestions for gameplay enhancement and bug reports.

Post Conditions: Learned all possible from game or bored with gameplay or community. Feeback processed into environment Bugs fixed or resolved somehow.

Benefits: Players, Developers, Modders, Mud Operators




  • Specifications available
  • Tools are available (Hence, reliance on free^2 tools and components)
  • Source and intermediate data products (3D models) are available
  1. Downloads and plays / looks over
  2. Decides to tweak
  3. Discusses intentions with developers
  4. Implements and tests
  5. Submits for developer evaluation


  • Incorporation into baseline product
  • Published as tested mod

Benefits: Players, Developers, Modders, Mud Operators