CisLunarFreighter/Scripts and case studies/Radio communications

Radio Communications

We need multiple voices for players and Non Player Characters so please consider recording and contributing any part you wish. These will be used as selected by editors and programmers like ourselves as we need them to flesh the user environment. There is no guarantee your contribution will be used indefinately but contributions are scarce so I suspect unless there is major discrepancy somehow your contribution will be used. Perhaps it inspires someone else to do even better. Thus your effort will not be wasted. We are overproducinng and cutting and pasting just like the paid pros do but we do not have budget overruns, except for personally required equipment and time. 8) 00:47, 16 February 2007 (UTC)

draft for .o1 level Space Traffic Control in initial engineering prototypes of gameplay

Voice Pilot

"Spaceport Control this is Freighter Alpha X-ray fourteen requesting clearance to commence countdown to launch."

Voice Tower

"Negative Freigther Alpha X-ray fourteen. Hold for incoming vertical landing.

Voice Pilot

That's a Roger Tower, Alpha X-ray fourteen is holding.

Background roar of rocket thruster splash as other spacecraft lands

Voice Tower

Alpha X-ray fourteen you are cleared for launch. Window closes in ten minutes.

Voice Pilot

Roger that Tower, Alpha X-ray fourteen is counting down at to launch at this time.... 5 ...4...3.....2....1.... we have ignition!

Background roar of own vehicle here.

What is needed, as many voices as possible without putting same distinctive voice in both the vehicle and the tower at the same time.

A pssoible/suggested approach

Find a friend, parent or sibling to read the parts with you in the same room as you record or separately in a Jam Session. Help may be available by pickup or appointment from audio engineering. A third way is read both parts yourself, make one a cartoon character caricuture of yourself or someone you know (no spurious cruelty please). Please list other ways here as you think of them.

By all mean adlib and add Foley Effects, our audio and programming guys will be exercising the mod rights to chop up recording into animation clips and interactive varying dialogues. Think Wing Commander. Please use the most liberating of licenses when you upload.

draft material for .5 release


An advanced model for space based ATC. : see also STC subpage

The model is based upon our team's current understanding of how earthbound ATC is structured. The suitability of this model depends on how advanced our spacecraft are but Orbital Space can be a bit cluttered by drone satellites, debris from previous space travel missions, comet tails, and so on. We are using very advanced spacecraft because we wish to ease real constraints a bit to allow for more fun in the game.

Background information:

  • U.S. FAA procedures and regulations
  • UK Railroad communication codes[1]

(Talking point: What about radio delays?) Very good point! Initially in the simplest games we shall ignore that the electromagnetic propagation of modern communcation carriers is limited by Einstein's light speed limitation. Later as Lunar Boom Town entrepreneurs need accurate simulators for business planning purposes we may try to develop more advanced games that closely reflect realities such as lightspeed and modern spacecraft capabilities. For now we are ignoring radio delays unless someone would like to make a case for them now and help put them in.

Space Trafic control has various levels

  • Level 1 was individual space ports
This controls the launch windows and landings but essentialy the aim is to put spacecraft into an entry point for orbit spaced.
  • Level 2 is Orbit space - ( Kind of like a 'metropolitan' airspace?)
Essentialy this handlles local traffic and approach control
  • Level 3 is Flight lanes, - these are like air lanes...
But note these take account of 3d rather than 2D (and vary based on planetry position
  • Level 4 Is the space equivlant of an Instrument Flight Rules zone
In this model you also have 'Red' regions I.E No fly areas which are either permenant (usally for the safety of craft) and temporary ones (due to asteroids and so on).

Eventually there will be an advanced form of Level 3, known coloquially as 'Darkside control' which controls subspace jumps..

Gameplay: First we load acquired cargo, then we dodge trash on cargo run instead of blast asteroids, unless and when a NEO wanders in at us. Pirates are uncommon but around.

We need to keep in mind that in game programming the trick is keep game simple enough we can get it started then built towords better simulations if it enhances fun and educational goals of the game.

  • Possible resource : Elite?

Draft Script for Voice Recording


Spacecraft: This is Serria - Charlie Fiver Fiver Nine - awaiting launch release

Tower: Serria Charlie Fiver Fiver Nine - Release granted, call level Four Three Seven Delta.

Spacecraft: Acknowldge Call level Four three seven Delta

Spacecraft: Engines GO

Tower: Acknwoldge, Engines go

<Rumbles> Foley Effects

Spacecraft: Engine start, Lift off in ... 10 ...9..8...7. 6...5...4...3...2...1

Spacecraft: Clearing tower,

Tower: Flight Level Good, Calling Level Four Three Seven Delta#

Spacecraft: Good Morning

Spacecraft: Level Four three Seven Delta - Serria Charlie Fiver Fiver Nine - Hand over

Tower: Hand Over Acknowlegde

Orbital Control: Hello Serria Charlie Fiver Fiver Nine

Tower: Hand Over Acknoweldge

Orbital Control: Hand Over Acknoweldge

Spacecraft: handover Acknowledge- Good Morning Orbital Control


  • 437 Delta is an orbit entry
  • SC 559 is the spacecraft
  • Spacecraft may also have 'company' freqencies